b3ta.com user babog
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» World's Sickest Joke

'what do you find in a lepraucons condom?'
fairy liquid
(Thu 12th Jan 2006, 0:58, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

whats brown and sticky?
a stick
(Sun 15th Jan 2006, 18:07, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

piss poor
A father is walking his 6 year old son from school. The boy spots a used condom on the ground. He asks his father, 'what is that father?'. The father answers that its an eclair. The boy tries to pick it up but the father stops him before and tells him he'll get him an eclair when he gets home. However, they get home and the boy never gets an eclair. A few hours later...the boy comes into the kitchen and says 'Father, Father, I went back to get that eclair!'. Father says 'Fuck'. The boy continues 'its ok. i sold it to a man for 5 pence but not before i sucked the cream out of it'.
(Thu 12th Jan 2006, 0:57, More)