b3ta.com user weegieboy
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» Sleepwalking

Sleep Driving...
As a long term lurker I guess this seems to be the best QOTW to lose my cherry.

Was working in one of the new European Union countries a few years ago working on some ATM software for a client; worked hard all weekend to get everything working and thought I deserved some reward on Sunday for all my efforts.

I had a few drinks in my hotel and then thought I needed some more action, I reckoned the best option was to ask the nice man at hotel reception if he new any clubs; I think something went wrong in translation because I ended up in a cab in the middle of nowhere at a deserted mansion.

Cabby pisses of and leaves me there (mistake number 1) so I walk up the sweeping steps to the imposing doors to be met by a bouncer type guy who advises that this might not be my sort of club, undaunted I pointed out the missing taxi and that I had made a great effort to arrive at said building.

Kind bouncer lets me in (mistake 2) inside the deserted mansion the place is swathed in plastic with a trestle table serving as a bar.

I spend some time chatting with the girl behind the bar and then she recommends that I might like to check out the room through the dark and scary looking plastic lined corridor (mistake 3)

The next thing I know I am jolted awake by the movement of the truck that I seem to be driving! no-one else in sight!

Somehow I find my way back to the centre of the city and being a bit smart think it would be bad to park in my hotel carpark, so I sneakily drive another mile and park in a shady spot at the side of the road.

Later that morning I give a blinding presentation and fly back to the UK, crapping myself all the time that I am in the airport - many cops roaming around.

Nest day I have to return to foreign lands so book different hotel; but curiosity gets the better of me to see if I had dreamt the whole thing, wanders up to where I left the truck - only in the carpark of a police station!

6 years later I am a bit more comfortable around foreign figures of authority!

Since then I rarely fall asleep for fear of what might happen...
(Thu 23rd Aug 2007, 6:16, More)