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- a member for 19 years, 0 months and 12 days
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Filth!
The phlem jar
Onboard some royal navy ships and subs it was customary to spit into a jar and put £1 in another jar for the privilege. The person who drank/ate the contents of the phlem jar got the money.
Smudge Smith won the money whilst instantaneously making half the mess throw up. The throw up wasn't kept in a jar unfortunately.
(Thu 2nd Feb 2012, 14:02, More)
The phlem jar
Onboard some royal navy ships and subs it was customary to spit into a jar and put £1 in another jar for the privilege. The person who drank/ate the contents of the phlem jar got the money.
Smudge Smith won the money whilst instantaneously making half the mess throw up. The throw up wasn't kept in a jar unfortunately.
(Thu 2nd Feb 2012, 14:02, More)
» Horrible things I've done to a loved one
I married her.
That'll teach her.
(Mon 20th Jun 2011, 10:11, More)
I married her.
That'll teach her.
(Mon 20th Jun 2011, 10:11, More)
» World's Sickest Joke
What's the difference between Menstrual Blood and Sand?
You can't gargle sand.
(Wed 1st Feb 2006, 18:32, More)
What's the difference between Menstrual Blood and Sand?
You can't gargle sand.
(Wed 1st Feb 2006, 18:32, More)