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Recent front page messages:
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» World's Sickest Joke
Sick Joke
Old man pulls up beside this wee boy playing in the street. Leaning out his window he asks the youngster 'Hey wee man, if I give you a fiver, will you come in my car?' Wee boy replies "A fiver! For a fiver I'll come in your mouth!'
Boom Boom
(Sat 4th Mar 2006, 13:05, More)
Sick Joke
Old man pulls up beside this wee boy playing in the street. Leaning out his window he asks the youngster 'Hey wee man, if I give you a fiver, will you come in my car?' Wee boy replies "A fiver! For a fiver I'll come in your mouth!'
Boom Boom
(Sat 4th Mar 2006, 13:05, More)