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» I met a weirdo on the interweb
met a guy on the internet, few chat sessions,nothing serious, then next thing i know he is flying from israel to holland with his buddy and some goddamn idea that i was his wife to be! get real mister.....quite freaky you finally understand why these guys like photoshop so much, resemblance to his picture on the web...yaaaaassssessss
(Sun 19th Mar 2006, 17:10, More)
met a guy on the internet, few chat sessions,nothing serious, then next thing i know he is flying from israel to holland with his buddy and some goddamn idea that i was his wife to be! get real mister.....quite freaky you finally understand why these guys like photoshop so much, resemblance to his picture on the web...yaaaaassssessss
(Sun 19th Mar 2006, 17:10, More)