Profile for corington:
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Best answers to questions:
[read all their answers]
- a member for 22 years, 6 months and 18 days
- has posted 3889 messages on the main board
- (of which 60 have appeared on the front page)
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- has posted 7 stories and 0 replies on question of the week
- They liked 144 pictures, 33 links, 0 talk posts, and 73 qotw answers. [RSS feed]
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Recent front page messages:
There were some who felt that
the new safety procedures had gone too far

(Fri 13th Jun 2003, 11:56, More)
the new safety procedures had gone too far

(Fri 13th Jun 2003, 11:56, More)
After the disaster
the dream of a commercial zelephantellin could never come true

(Wed 28th May 2003, 12:23, More)
the dream of a commercial zelephantellin could never come true

(Wed 28th May 2003, 12:23, More)
There were still some that enjoyed the commute back

click for a bit bigger
(Wed 7th May 2003, 18:59, More)

click for a bit bigger
(Wed 7th May 2003, 18:59, More)
World's Strongest Mouse : Event #2
Pulling in the moon

Much bigger
Event #1 : Balancing Everest
(Mon 14th Apr 2003, 13:55, More)
Pulling in the moon

Much bigger
Event #1 : Balancing Everest
(Mon 14th Apr 2003, 13:55, More)
Exhausted after his migration,
the mountain elephant contemplates having a drink

(Fri 14th Mar 2003, 17:49, More)
the mountain elephant contemplates having a drink

(Fri 14th Mar 2003, 17:49, More)
grumble.. grumble..
been walking forever... should install a bloody chairlift... grumble.. grumble..

(Tue 18th Feb 2003, 13:16, More)
been walking forever... should install a bloody chairlift... grumble.. grumble..

(Tue 18th Feb 2003, 13:16, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Mini Cabs From Hell
may be dodgy uninsured heaps of rubbish, but there's been many a time when a black cab won't stop (despite its blazing light) unless you're on their route home. Mini cabs are cheap, don't care where they go, and make your journey home more exciting and on the edge.
(Thu 27th May 2004, 11:37, More)
may be dodgy uninsured heaps of rubbish, but there's been many a time when a black cab won't stop (despite its blazing light) unless you're on their route home. Mini cabs are cheap, don't care where they go, and make your journey home more exciting and on the edge.
(Thu 27th May 2004, 11:37, More)
» Local Nutters
That "best of luck"
guy may be the same one who hangs out in the 24hour Budgens in East Finchley. He shouts it when he leaves the shop.
(Thu 16th Sep 2004, 13:18, More)
That "best of luck"
guy may be the same one who hangs out in the 24hour Budgens in East Finchley. He shouts it when he leaves the shop.
(Thu 16th Sep 2004, 13:18, More)
» Irrational Fears
sticky tape
it's the noise
and the stickyness to some extent
(Tue 27th Jan 2004, 13:41, More)
sticky tape
it's the noise
and the stickyness to some extent
(Tue 27th Jan 2004, 13:41, More)