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» Restaurants, Kitchens and Bars... Oh my!
damaged for life
when i was working in this restaurant years ago, sundays were hell, not only because of the hangover/continued drunk.. but also because of the kids. hateful little run free bastards that they were. anyway, this one little kid with her face all painted like a happy clown, little blonde ringlets hanging around her smiley little face with her little hand holding this red balloon... she wanders into the still room, while i was about 5 metres away facing here in the waiter station. she looked at me, all delighted with herself for running into the off-limits area and stopped dead. I looked back at her and in my best evil voice, I loudly advised her to 'getttttt ouuuuuuuttttt'. her face dropped and she stood there stunned for a while not quite believing the world to be like that. I couldn't stop laughing for ages... I'm still laughing now as I recall it. One of the chefs happened to see me do it as well and was equally stunned, not helped by me going - ah hahahahah did you see that?
ah, fond memories.
this other time, there was this little shit running around causing general mayhem. so i said to him, "you know what you are? you're just a little shit. that's all you are. a little shit." he runs off to his dad then... who was of course, the owner of the restaurant out for a nice meal with his family. I worried for about 10 milliseconds, then remembered that (a) i was right and (b) it was worth it and (c) fuck 'em. nothing happened anyway and when i saw the manager pick him up later and put a knife to his throat in front of his father.. for the laugh... i knew i was in the clear.
(Sun 23rd Jul 2006, 4:16, More)
damaged for life
when i was working in this restaurant years ago, sundays were hell, not only because of the hangover/continued drunk.. but also because of the kids. hateful little run free bastards that they were. anyway, this one little kid with her face all painted like a happy clown, little blonde ringlets hanging around her smiley little face with her little hand holding this red balloon... she wanders into the still room, while i was about 5 metres away facing here in the waiter station. she looked at me, all delighted with herself for running into the off-limits area and stopped dead. I looked back at her and in my best evil voice, I loudly advised her to 'getttttt ouuuuuuuttttt'. her face dropped and she stood there stunned for a while not quite believing the world to be like that. I couldn't stop laughing for ages... I'm still laughing now as I recall it. One of the chefs happened to see me do it as well and was equally stunned, not helped by me going - ah hahahahah did you see that?
ah, fond memories.
this other time, there was this little shit running around causing general mayhem. so i said to him, "you know what you are? you're just a little shit. that's all you are. a little shit." he runs off to his dad then... who was of course, the owner of the restaurant out for a nice meal with his family. I worried for about 10 milliseconds, then remembered that (a) i was right and (b) it was worth it and (c) fuck 'em. nothing happened anyway and when i saw the manager pick him up later and put a knife to his throat in front of his father.. for the laugh... i knew i was in the clear.
(Sun 23rd Jul 2006, 4:16, More)
» Messing with the Dark Side
***spoiler included for free***
Watching Pi one night and just at the point that the computer becomes self-aware, the DVD player made a noise and the electricity went off on the whole street. A while later it came back on, except for our apartment.
Coincidence? Probably.
(Sun 23rd Apr 2006, 16:54, More)
***spoiler included for free***
Watching Pi one night and just at the point that the computer becomes self-aware, the DVD player made a noise and the electricity went off on the whole street. A while later it came back on, except for our apartment.
Coincidence? Probably.
(Sun 23rd Apr 2006, 16:54, More)