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» Restaurants, Kitchens and Bars... Oh my!
Knife roulette anyone?
As a chef for many years we did some evil things to our waiting staff over the years. One particular unrepeated act of terrorism on staff remains embedded in the back of my mind forever.
Whilst working for a notourious chain of "steakhouses" (possibly rhyming with 'wifebeater') every steak was served with the knife poking out from under it, 'twas the waiting staff's responsibility to do this so we could get on with other crap.
Anyway, as we were pissed off as a whole with said waiting staff, we decided on a game of roulette without them knowing. we put 5 steak knives in the oven (225c) for a couple of mins, and mixed them back in with the rest of the normal knives just before we sent out about 6 meals.
The scream as the metal cooked one hand was unbelieveable. i've never seen a hand swell up that fast. oops.
We blamed it on the retard at the potwash with one eye.
(Mon 24th Jul 2006, 12:44, More)
Knife roulette anyone?
As a chef for many years we did some evil things to our waiting staff over the years. One particular unrepeated act of terrorism on staff remains embedded in the back of my mind forever.
Whilst working for a notourious chain of "steakhouses" (possibly rhyming with 'wifebeater') every steak was served with the knife poking out from under it, 'twas the waiting staff's responsibility to do this so we could get on with other crap.
Anyway, as we were pissed off as a whole with said waiting staff, we decided on a game of roulette without them knowing. we put 5 steak knives in the oven (225c) for a couple of mins, and mixed them back in with the rest of the normal knives just before we sent out about 6 meals.
The scream as the metal cooked one hand was unbelieveable. i've never seen a hand swell up that fast. oops.
We blamed it on the retard at the potwash with one eye.
(Mon 24th Jul 2006, 12:44, More)