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» Well, that taught 'em
Lessons learned from the dentist
You should have thought I learned my lesson the first time I ran teeth-first into a rail, but no, not many moons later I trip over my own feet and break more teeth. Both times the dentist at my school does a great job and gives me new plastic-ones...
Great plastic-ones that is, the first impact was on September 16, 1993. Why I know the exact date? Because a few years ago (september 2003) I first notice som black lines on the teeth, where the plastic and the real tooth meets.
Que me to the dentist who looks at it and informs me it should be redone, this time with porcelain and not plastic. He promises to contact the insurance, and come back to me later. A year later I leave town to go to uni, and still no word from him. I then contact another dentist in my new town, who in 3 days has talked to the insurance, who then sends me a nice letter informing me that they are willing to pay the "operation", estimated cost? 961.64£!!
First lesson learned: Always have insurance, and have your kids covered too...
I am sure glad that my mother didn't have to learn that the hard way.
Anyway, next lesson was today. The dentist said: "we need to make an appointment so i can make impressions of your teeth" what he meant was:
"I'm gonna sedate you, file off the plastic - and some of your own teeth, so the are appr. at half their normal length. Then i will find out i will have to push your gum back to make room (and do it where the sedation hasn't kicked in), then give you a temporary plastic-cover and send you home" that lasted 1½ hour...
cue me 2 hours later when the sedation wears off... Imagine the worst possible pain, like, when your teeth has been filed off, your gums pushed back - and filed a little by accident. That's me...
So kids, gather around and learn a few lessons:
Don't run when your teeth are at the same height of the rail.
Don't believe your dentist when he tries to be your friend, he's a sadistic evil bastard who wants to inflict most possible pain.
2 aspirins and two hours of sleep takes care of your toothaches...
lengt? yeah, but its only plastic i'm afraid...
(Tue 1st May 2007, 21:58, More)
Lessons learned from the dentist
You should have thought I learned my lesson the first time I ran teeth-first into a rail, but no, not many moons later I trip over my own feet and break more teeth. Both times the dentist at my school does a great job and gives me new plastic-ones...
Great plastic-ones that is, the first impact was on September 16, 1993. Why I know the exact date? Because a few years ago (september 2003) I first notice som black lines on the teeth, where the plastic and the real tooth meets.
Que me to the dentist who looks at it and informs me it should be redone, this time with porcelain and not plastic. He promises to contact the insurance, and come back to me later. A year later I leave town to go to uni, and still no word from him. I then contact another dentist in my new town, who in 3 days has talked to the insurance, who then sends me a nice letter informing me that they are willing to pay the "operation", estimated cost? 961.64£!!
First lesson learned: Always have insurance, and have your kids covered too...
I am sure glad that my mother didn't have to learn that the hard way.
Anyway, next lesson was today. The dentist said: "we need to make an appointment so i can make impressions of your teeth" what he meant was:
"I'm gonna sedate you, file off the plastic - and some of your own teeth, so the are appr. at half their normal length. Then i will find out i will have to push your gum back to make room (and do it where the sedation hasn't kicked in), then give you a temporary plastic-cover and send you home" that lasted 1½ hour...
cue me 2 hours later when the sedation wears off... Imagine the worst possible pain, like, when your teeth has been filed off, your gums pushed back - and filed a little by accident. That's me...
So kids, gather around and learn a few lessons:
Don't run when your teeth are at the same height of the rail.
Don't believe your dentist when he tries to be your friend, he's a sadistic evil bastard who wants to inflict most possible pain.
2 aspirins and two hours of sleep takes care of your toothaches...
lengt? yeah, but its only plastic i'm afraid...
(Tue 1st May 2007, 21:58, More)
» The most cash I've ever carried
I once worked as at the till in the local supermarket, and on a good day i had 26.000 dkr (appr 2600£), there where quite strict control so i didn't gave myself a payrise though...
POP! Here was my first - and i can't think of any brilliant length/girth joke...
edit: i'll never win a spelling contest - first page wooo!
(Thu 22nd Jun 2006, 11:05, More)
I once worked as at the till in the local supermarket, and on a good day i had 26.000 dkr (appr 2600£), there where quite strict control so i didn't gave myself a payrise though...
POP! Here was my first - and i can't think of any brilliant length/girth joke...
edit: i'll never win a spelling contest - first page wooo!
(Thu 22nd Jun 2006, 11:05, More)