b3ta.com user davesnakes
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» Secret Santa

Amyl Nitrate

So I was at a Christmas part that was truly falling flat on its face in London, when Secret Santa is called and everyone sits back down and feigns interest. Jeff, a colleague who really didn´t give a fock, had bought the gay creative director some poppers (amyl nitrate to the uninitiated) as a laugh but literally *none* of the bosses had a clue what it was. The rest of the night was spent abusing it with my clean cut bosses, telling them that it was a an aid to help you digest dinner and was used by wine tasters to clear their pallettes between mouthfuls, but excessive use may cause slight disorientation. If that was true it would surely be the shittest secret santa ever.

Anyways, I´m in Columbia right now and I´ve got better things to do than this. Laters.
(Wed 20th Dec 2006, 5:06, More)