b3ta.com user jonthebeef
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» Sleepwalking

One night, not long after starting a new job, I went out on the beers with my workmates that offered 2 for 1 pints of Stella. Not being an Artois drinker, I ended up getting rather pissed. My girlfriend (at the time) and her mates also came along, and everyone was happy in the Stella related over indulgence.

I woke up the following in my girlfriends spare room. Bleary eyed, I didn't know what the fuck was going on or why I was there. I went upstairs to see the Mrs, only to find her awake and ignoring me. I asked her why I wasn't in her bed. She replied:

"You were, and then woke up at 2am. You then got out of bed, making a load of noise, to then turn around, and pee all over me. I hope you're planning on buying me some new pillows today. You bastard."

The relationship didn't last much longer. Oh well.
(Fri 24th Aug 2007, 16:31, More)