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» Awesome Sickies
dodgy sickies
Back in the 1970's I was working for a famous breakdown firm (not a meeting place for winos)in North London. A certain Mr B.E. decided to ring in sick. His excuse...he'd broken his leg. The twat then realised he would have to , erm, break a leg, so he jumped out of his bedroom window. He landed safely, so what did he do? He only went and jumped out again....and broke his arm. ("Stanmore Calling...Stanmore Calling")
(Tue 13th Jun 2006, 13:03, More)
dodgy sickies
Back in the 1970's I was working for a famous breakdown firm (not a meeting place for winos)in North London. A certain Mr B.E. decided to ring in sick. His excuse...he'd broken his leg. The twat then realised he would have to , erm, break a leg, so he jumped out of his bedroom window. He landed safely, so what did he do? He only went and jumped out again....and broke his arm. ("Stanmore Calling...Stanmore Calling")
(Tue 13th Jun 2006, 13:03, More)