b3ta.com user aurora-borealis
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Profile for aurora-borealis:
Profile Info:

Here is my last.fm thing.

I listen to music. Also make some. However most of the time I find myself making stupid images on Photoshop. Cue me signing up for b3ta.

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Best answers to questions:

» Mistaken Identity

Since I have long hair and a beard, I'm often compared to Jesus. Being far from middle-eastern descent, I can't seem to work out the reason why. Oh yes, ignorance.

Unfortunately I managed to come to this reasoning on a trip to Jerusalem. Note: screaming out "NO, I AM NOT FUCKING JESUS!" in the holy city is generally not a good idea, making you seem like a berk every time you go through passport control for I quote 'inciting religious hatred'.

I'm not welcome back, am I? ;____;
(Wed 6th Jun 2007, 14:54, More)

» Dentists

Dentist? But yesterday, gardener.
I've had both good and bad experiences with dentists, due to the fragility of the roots of my teeth. I've had one of my molars fly out when I was on a roller-coaster. Anyway, I digress.

I remember when I was 14 going to get a general check-up. This was during the 1980's, of course when the NHS only employed Ram Jam Full and his immigrant brothers.
Now, I'm not that well acquainted with dentistry equipment but I'm sure that miniaturized garden strimmers were outlawed a while ago. This wasn't so much painful, more excruciating. And then there was a loud *ping* noise. Yes, one of my teeth flew out of my mouth and hit the dentist in the eye. Malpractice this, you bastard!

Apologies for length? Sorry, I mistook the viagra for paracetamol.
(Sat 4th Nov 2006, 9:39, More)