Profile for borovan:
A steaming cup of Pot Fish TM for anybody who can guess where my username came from.
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A steaming cup of Pot Fish TM for anybody who can guess where my username came from.
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» Failed
Building Bridges
As part of my GCSE Physics course we were given an exercise where we were given a stack of A4 paper, and we had to build the bridge that would support the heaviest weight. The class was divided up into groups of 3 to 4 pupils.
We had about two hours to prepare for this. The other students researched types of historical bridges, and read about tension and support etc. We just did what anybody would have done with an exciting stack of A4 paper, made paper aeroplanes and stupid origami figures.
Then it came to making the bridge. I was leader, and my great idea would be to make the biggest, heaviest log of rolled-up paper imaginable using absolutely no scientific knowledge. We made this giant railway sleeper of a bridge, like something a scotsman would throw in a field. Then we decorated it with slogans like "SUPER BRIDGE" and "MEGA LOG".
The other kids in my class had made these intricate models of historical bridges. Arches, suspension bridges. Rich kids, their parents were probably architects. Anyway, we tested each bridge in turn and our team ended up being the winner. No other bridge could come close.
Ahhh, so where's the Failure bit you may ask. The girl that I fancied at the time, her name was Louise, her group had made one of the most intricate bridges. After the test was complete the teacher said something like "you can get rid of the bridges now". In hindsight I think he meant put them to the side of the class, not smash them to bits...
But I had won, and felt quite headstrong, and wanted to show off to Louise and the rest of the class. I also assumed we'd never need these bridges again for anything. For some reason, and Im still not sure why, I picked up MEGA LOG and brought it crashing down on her intricate suspension bridge, smashing it to papery pieces.
We were disqualified, and I was given a 2000 word essay on Ghandi and non-violence to write before the next science lesson.
(Sat 6th Jan 2007, 12:58, More)
Building Bridges
As part of my GCSE Physics course we were given an exercise where we were given a stack of A4 paper, and we had to build the bridge that would support the heaviest weight. The class was divided up into groups of 3 to 4 pupils.
We had about two hours to prepare for this. The other students researched types of historical bridges, and read about tension and support etc. We just did what anybody would have done with an exciting stack of A4 paper, made paper aeroplanes and stupid origami figures.
Then it came to making the bridge. I was leader, and my great idea would be to make the biggest, heaviest log of rolled-up paper imaginable using absolutely no scientific knowledge. We made this giant railway sleeper of a bridge, like something a scotsman would throw in a field. Then we decorated it with slogans like "SUPER BRIDGE" and "MEGA LOG".
The other kids in my class had made these intricate models of historical bridges. Arches, suspension bridges. Rich kids, their parents were probably architects. Anyway, we tested each bridge in turn and our team ended up being the winner. No other bridge could come close.
Ahhh, so where's the Failure bit you may ask. The girl that I fancied at the time, her name was Louise, her group had made one of the most intricate bridges. After the test was complete the teacher said something like "you can get rid of the bridges now". In hindsight I think he meant put them to the side of the class, not smash them to bits...
But I had won, and felt quite headstrong, and wanted to show off to Louise and the rest of the class. I also assumed we'd never need these bridges again for anything. For some reason, and Im still not sure why, I picked up MEGA LOG and brought it crashing down on her intricate suspension bridge, smashing it to papery pieces.
We were disqualified, and I was given a 2000 word essay on Ghandi and non-violence to write before the next science lesson.
(Sat 6th Jan 2007, 12:58, More)
» Pet Stories
Yellow and Runny
I grew up in Newport, famous of course for the GLC and well, other things Im sure. We lived in a nice housing estate next to the school, in fact you could climb over my back fence and get into the school grounds should you so wish.
So one day my friends an I are in the boys playground (it was seperated for some reason) and my black and white cat, Kitty comes trotting up to play with us. Being 8 this was the coolest thing ever, I was suddenly the centre of attention. All my friends were picking up Kitty, playing games and chasing her around the playground.
That is, however, until I noticed flecks of a runny yellowy-brown substance on the sleeve of my coat.
Kitty was only a couple of years old and had some sort of infection or dietary problem and had quite a bad case of the runs. In fact, she'd covered myself, and three of my friends in shit.
Screaming and running to the toilet, I tried to wash as much off as possible before we all went in for lunch. A teacher had come out to investigate the commotion and attempted to chase Kitty back to our house.
30 minutes later in the crowded school dinner hall the headmaster comes in, gets everybody's attention and demands that the four children who had come in contact with the cat's diarrhea be seperated from the rest of the lunchgoers. Me and the three other boys were made to stand at the side of the hall, in full view of the entire school (girls and all) while we were "inspected" for contamination.
Kitty had infiltrated the school by this point, and managed to leave her mark on Mrs. Kelson's register and dress before she was finally dumped back over our garden fence by my mum.
(Sat 9th Jun 2007, 14:51, More)
Yellow and Runny
I grew up in Newport, famous of course for the GLC and well, other things Im sure. We lived in a nice housing estate next to the school, in fact you could climb over my back fence and get into the school grounds should you so wish.
So one day my friends an I are in the boys playground (it was seperated for some reason) and my black and white cat, Kitty comes trotting up to play with us. Being 8 this was the coolest thing ever, I was suddenly the centre of attention. All my friends were picking up Kitty, playing games and chasing her around the playground.
That is, however, until I noticed flecks of a runny yellowy-brown substance on the sleeve of my coat.
Kitty was only a couple of years old and had some sort of infection or dietary problem and had quite a bad case of the runs. In fact, she'd covered myself, and three of my friends in shit.
Screaming and running to the toilet, I tried to wash as much off as possible before we all went in for lunch. A teacher had come out to investigate the commotion and attempted to chase Kitty back to our house.
30 minutes later in the crowded school dinner hall the headmaster comes in, gets everybody's attention and demands that the four children who had come in contact with the cat's diarrhea be seperated from the rest of the lunchgoers. Me and the three other boys were made to stand at the side of the hall, in full view of the entire school (girls and all) while we were "inspected" for contamination.
Kitty had infiltrated the school by this point, and managed to leave her mark on Mrs. Kelson's register and dress before she was finally dumped back over our garden fence by my mum.
(Sat 9th Jun 2007, 14:51, More)
» Narrow Escapes
I nearly left my spine in Snowdonia
I was on a 6th Form Geography field trip in Snowdownia. We'd stopped the minibus to eat our regulation hostel sandwiches in a place with lots of hills, grass, sheep and rocks - quite a familiar sight by this point.
Being the attention whore that I was, I decided to show my fellow geographers my ability to chain multiple forward rolls together to create a "human cannonball" effect. I located a hill that didn't have too many rocks (oh and those small black balls of sheep poo), shouted "watch this!" and off I went, floundering like some awkward panda. After about 6 rolls I stopped and stood up, my classmates decidedly unimpressed.
Walking back up the hill I noticed something. About a foot away from the path I had rolled was this smashed, glass fish tank. About two feet long with lots of jagged glass shards pointing upwards. I stopped, paused to think exactly how they would have airlifted my twitching, bloodied body out of the mountainside, and vowed never to do it again.
(Tue 24th Aug 2010, 15:47, More)
I nearly left my spine in Snowdonia
I was on a 6th Form Geography field trip in Snowdownia. We'd stopped the minibus to eat our regulation hostel sandwiches in a place with lots of hills, grass, sheep and rocks - quite a familiar sight by this point.
Being the attention whore that I was, I decided to show my fellow geographers my ability to chain multiple forward rolls together to create a "human cannonball" effect. I located a hill that didn't have too many rocks (oh and those small black balls of sheep poo), shouted "watch this!" and off I went, floundering like some awkward panda. After about 6 rolls I stopped and stood up, my classmates decidedly unimpressed.
Walking back up the hill I noticed something. About a foot away from the path I had rolled was this smashed, glass fish tank. About two feet long with lots of jagged glass shards pointing upwards. I stopped, paused to think exactly how they would have airlifted my twitching, bloodied body out of the mountainside, and vowed never to do it again.
(Tue 24th Aug 2010, 15:47, More)
» Failed
Personal Property
I thought it would be a good idea to take a module in Law in my first year of my Geography degree at Nottingham University. Not because I was any good at it, my friend who lived below me was studying Law and said he'd help me out.
I went to one lecture in total. A man who looked like Harold Bishop waffled on for 90 minutes, and spouted words like "Fungible" which I promptly added the "funny words list" that I had started on my notepad. Didnt understand a word of the entire lecture.
Exam time came. We were presented with three Personal Property case studies, and I proceeded to write eight whole pages on exactly how and why I thought the subject was breaking the law and how they should be reprimanded.
I got 15% in the end, my friend got 67%. It was a week later that I found out that there had been a global markup - of 15%.
Eight pages of sheer crap!
(Fri 5th Jan 2007, 19:24, More)
Personal Property
I thought it would be a good idea to take a module in Law in my first year of my Geography degree at Nottingham University. Not because I was any good at it, my friend who lived below me was studying Law and said he'd help me out.
I went to one lecture in total. A man who looked like Harold Bishop waffled on for 90 minutes, and spouted words like "Fungible" which I promptly added the "funny words list" that I had started on my notepad. Didnt understand a word of the entire lecture.
Exam time came. We were presented with three Personal Property case studies, and I proceeded to write eight whole pages on exactly how and why I thought the subject was breaking the law and how they should be reprimanded.
I got 15% in the end, my friend got 67%. It was a week later that I found out that there had been a global markup - of 15%.
Eight pages of sheer crap!
(Fri 5th Jan 2007, 19:24, More)