b3ta.com user littlebunnyfoofoo
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Best answers to questions:

» Why I was late

Not me, but a friend
...my friend was starting a job a while back. She meant to take a train from Crewe to Manchester (about 20 mins), but ended up taking the unfortunately **direct** train to...

...London Euston (a good 2 hours).

Of course, she then had to take the next train back and ended up a good 5 hours late in total.

I wasn't very supportive when she told me. I think I laughed. A lot.
(Mon 2nd Jul 2007, 13:59, More)

» Sleepwalking

Ummm *waves hand*
..what about the Midlands?

(runs away and hides)

...this is coming from a Stoke-on-Trent lass who now lives in London. I'm such a traitor...
(Wed 29th Aug 2007, 17:38, More)

» What's the most horrific thing you've seen?

As an ex GCSE/A-level Biology student, I have dissected quite a few things. The grossest incident occured suring a marine biology session. We had to dissect a fish, starting with the eye.

The feeling of a scalpel cutting through a slimey, watery eye is hideous, and the thought still sends shivers down my spine.

Worse still, my mate was horrified to have been allocated a mutant fish - it was discoloured, lumpy and had one *huge* eye and one tiny shriveled one. She duly plunged her scalpel into the good eye, only to see smelly brown gunk seep out of its eye and mouth.

(Mon 25th Jun 2007, 14:58, More)

» Personal Hygiene

Oho joyous day!
...for now there is a topic I can partake in! (Not me, but the housemates of my boyfriend - whilst at 3rd year of uni...)

We didn't live together at uni, but since we were going out, we spent a lot of time at each others houses. For reasons unbeknown to me even now, the majority of the time we stayed around at his, even though he lived with complete s***monkeys (well to be truthful, it was a fun house if anything).

I shall list their evils here:

*the downstairs bathroom was not cleaned for the whole of the tenancy - so that if you were to take a shower, there would be huge globules of green slime above your head, threatening to goop all over you mid-shower. Thank f*** for the upstairs one (which either me or the boyf cleaned)

*the kitchen was rarely cleaned, dishes were left to fester so much that my boyfriend (who was one of the two long-suffering clean dwellers) resorted to getting a lock put on his cupboard, and washing up his stuff then locking it away.

*there was always fag ash/crisp packets/tissues *shudder*/beercans/food stuck in the crevices of the settee

*hardcore porn was left open on the bathroom floor, between the settee cushions (did i mention the tissues?)and on one occasion a centrefold proudly pinned up on the living room wall.

the list goes on.

oh, and they had an 'extra' flatmate come to live with them under the stairs. Yes, his 'room' was the unventilated cupboard under the stairs - complete with mattress and lamp.

...i think i cleaned their house more than i cleaned mine...
(Fri 23rd Mar 2007, 14:49, More)