b3ta.com user Justforyou love.
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Best answers to questions:

» Childhood Ambitions

I am still a child
therefore i can still have ambitions, my ambition right now is to actually see an answer from apeloverage worthy of the 'best of', and that isn't voted for by his nineteen hundred alts.

regulars, click 'i like this' and maybe it will actually happen.... we hope.

Length? smaller than some, larger than apeloverage's.. true for this message too.
(Thu 29th Mar 2007, 20:15, More)

» Terrible Parenting

Captain Haddock, you have no idea.

in this fine city i have seen;

A small child bite another child of roughly the same age, and then the parent telling victims parent (in ASDA) 'you need to look after your feckin' kids!'

A parent at parents evening tell the teacher it was 'entirely your fault my child doesn't attend your lessons as he tells me they are boring, and in my house i have taught my kids to fully follow their own decisions' So that would be making maths fun.. hmm right. That would also be why he was smoking pot through every single one of those lessons he missed. Also thats probably why you work in a soup factory.

A 16 year old chav telling her maybe 4 year old son (yes four years old at sixteen) 'your the reason my lifes so shit, and if you don't shut up dad'll kick your fucking head in!' followed by the meanest backhand slap ive ever seen.

And finally a Kid i personally knew who had been bullied for five years catching one of his bullies alone and swearing at him, shortly followed by said bully's parent punching the kid in the face, which broke his jaw, lost him seven teeth, gave him two week concussion and knocked him unconcious for 16 hours. (all this to a 15 year old kid.)

Said parent is now locked up for 15 years and was forced to pay approximately 5k in damages.

Welcome to the jewel of East Anglia.

definite apologies for length, but it needed venting.
(Fri 17th Aug 2007, 17:16, More)

» Personal Hygiene

i work at a certain retail store that we shall call fwAP, for that rhymes with its name. its a single level shop in my home city and the door into the back is accessed via the fitting rooms. enter myself and my manager heading back at end of the day to cash up, and discovering a certain... pungence. upon further investigation said pungence erupts from semi closed fitting room in the form of a hair flailing arm waving stench dropping tramp, eye watering odour trail and all.

Next morning said pungence has not disappeared. hmmm says i, looking into his fitting rom and noticing a small brown mark at the top, *takes one step right* and in the next fitting room, several pieces of mr whippy turd, showered against the opposite wall. Said tramp had managed to catch and throw a mr whippy whilst hiding in our fitting rooms, then legged it for fear of discovery. one problem. BRIGHT RED COAT. much bannage ensued, and much closage and cleanage also.


(Fri 23rd Mar 2007, 15:20, More)

» Sleepwalking

ah this is embarassing.
walked into my parents bedroom stark bollocked naked, whipped out the old boy and happily began relieving myself in the corner, facing inward. when my mother asked me "what the fuck do you think you're doing?" i said "But, it's a tool"

took my parents a couple of minutes to recover before sorting me out... only got told about it in the morning.

length wasn't too great, cold night.
(Sun 26th Aug 2007, 15:36, More)

» Personal Ads

Admin confirmed me
at long last! so if anyone would like..


and can someone please invite me to the great b3ta race!...on HoN
(Tue 18th Sep 2007, 13:31, More)
[read all their answers]