b3ta.com user mistressminimas
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» We have to talk

Three days in...
Three days in he said that we needed to talk and then ended it. It wasn't even officially anything...but hearing those words sent a chill running through me. I thought it was going so well.

Even though it was only three days, I still can't stop thinking about him. I wish I'd talked to him but when he said those words, I lost all mine. I emailed him, but it's not the same, and now, a couple of months later, I still think about it.

Damn words.
(Sat 21st Apr 2007, 0:26, More)

» Nativity Plays

Mr. Kipling
I was in every play every year at my primary school. I loved it - it got you out of classes doing something different and I always wanted to get a good part.

In my last year at infant school I played the lead angel. This wasn't as cushy a part as it seemed - after delivering the baby to the manger we three angels just had to stand behind the manger while everyone came to praise Jesus. It seemed like an awfully long time.

But the play that always stuck in my mind was my first junior school play. It was a school written retelling of various fairy tales. Joy of joys, I got a small part, with a line and everything. During some scene resembling Cinderella I, for some reason to do wih getting cakes that has long since escaped me had to say "Somebody fetch Mr. Kipling!"

I didn't get the joke. I had no idea who Mr. Kipling was, or why this was funny.

Or why people were laughing at me.

I burst into tears, and was only truly consoled by my parents after the show who explained that it was a good thing that people had laughed at my line.

Still, they are exceedingly good cakes.
(Fri 27th Mar 2009, 23:53, More)

» My most gullible moment

Sorry for lack of funnies.

I believed him when he said he would love me forever. That we would be together forever. Now, if that wasn't gullible.

I also believed he'd tell me something like this in person, even if if was over the phone. Not in an email saying : "It's become apparent since our anniversary that I no longer love you as a girlfriend."

Love makes us gullible, no?
(Mon 25th Aug 2008, 3:06, More)