b3ta.com user spazattack
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» Well, that taught 'em

A woman's scorn
I take no responsibility for this nasty act of revenge - Disclaimer ... blah blah blah ....

Not going to bore you with the story .. one bird mugged over by another bird ... la la you get the picture. Its the actual act of revenge which is the ingenious bit.
Any ladies reading this will know exactly what tools I'm refering to here:

Occasionally us lady types get stuff through the door, - Samples of stuff, make up, detergent ... its not unusual.
Using this, the revenge was such -

Tools needed
1 x Victim & Address
1 x sample of Deep conditioner (type you leave on - such as 3 minute aussie miracle (available in tescos)
1 x Needle & Syringe
1 x hot Glue gun
1 X Immac hair remover

Its simple, take deep conditioner and suck out the contents with the afore mentioned needle and syringe (hey, no need to throw it away, go on! treat yourself!)
replace the contents with a hefty dose of Immac or Veet as its now known. Use the hot glue gun to seal the hole and then you need to fix the ned product to a sheet of card, with your victim's address on, (ideally you need a fake post mark too) and a couple of words to the affect of "your free sample" ...

Hey presto, it might not get used imediatly, but it will get used. Usually before a big date / night out. It wont make her bald (unless she has fine hair, but it will cause substantial damage.)

Revenge no 2

As above, all needed is a simple scan of your local heatlh authority's logo, or just the NHS on, easily found on the interweb, the address of the local clap clinc, you victim's address and a fake reference number, and hey presto off we go!
A nice letter saying that one of their partners has tested positive for x x and x, and can they please make an app.

I did not do any of these things or make them up. From a person I knew as a student and had resources of an artful nature. Far as I know I think they did the Immac thing for real. Nasty eh?!
(Tue 1st May 2007, 10:30, More)