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» Pet Stories
Oversized Vermin
One night recently there was this scuffling and banging at the catflap and in bursts this HUGE mother rat, with Coltrane the cat in hot pursuit.
He'd managed to paralyze one of it's back legs so it dragged itself at high speed across the lounge floor, squirting blood and rat poos and emitting this horrific banshee-like screech and disappeared behind a bookcase.
Great. Now we had an enormous, injured, highly pissed off rat loose in the house. What to do? Somehow, I got it into a box with a blanket over the top and carried it outside, the rat screeching and trying to hurl itself out of the box and onto my neck.
Once outside, I grabbed a shovel and nudged the box over, frantically trying to bludgeon the monster rat as it disappeared into the bush at about the speed of sound. The cat shot after it while we rushed inside and locked all the windows and doors, feeling quite lucky not to have had our faces ripped off.
Coltrane has since toned down his nocturnal hunting trips, thank goodness.
(Fri 15th Jun 2007, 0:50, More)
Oversized Vermin
One night recently there was this scuffling and banging at the catflap and in bursts this HUGE mother rat, with Coltrane the cat in hot pursuit.
He'd managed to paralyze one of it's back legs so it dragged itself at high speed across the lounge floor, squirting blood and rat poos and emitting this horrific banshee-like screech and disappeared behind a bookcase.
Great. Now we had an enormous, injured, highly pissed off rat loose in the house. What to do? Somehow, I got it into a box with a blanket over the top and carried it outside, the rat screeching and trying to hurl itself out of the box and onto my neck.
Once outside, I grabbed a shovel and nudged the box over, frantically trying to bludgeon the monster rat as it disappeared into the bush at about the speed of sound. The cat shot after it while we rushed inside and locked all the windows and doors, feeling quite lucky not to have had our faces ripped off.
Coltrane has since toned down his nocturnal hunting trips, thank goodness.
(Fri 15th Jun 2007, 0:50, More)