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» Workplace Boredom
I tend to dick about with stationary
This was my greatest triumph and highlight of my working life to date. It is a fully working siege catapult I made from pencils, sellotape, an elastic band and a spoon. It was amazing.

(Tell me if i'm not supposed to put pictures in a QOTW, I'll link if needs be)
(Mon 12th Jan 2009, 0:45, More)
I tend to dick about with stationary
This was my greatest triumph and highlight of my working life to date. It is a fully working siege catapult I made from pencils, sellotape, an elastic band and a spoon. It was amazing.

(Tell me if i'm not supposed to put pictures in a QOTW, I'll link if needs be)
(Mon 12th Jan 2009, 0:45, More)
» Cringe!
Sales managers = twats
I was working in a call centre for a well known mobile phone vendor a few years ago. Day times were pretty quiet so surfing the internet and reading was permitted whilst waiting for calls.
I was sat reading my book when the sales manager came up for a jovial chat. "What are you reading?" he asked. "Oh, it's 'Down and Out in London and Paris, by George Orwell' I replied. He made a 'hmm interesting'-face to try to convey that he was a man that appreciated literature, then completely blew it by asking "oh, is that his new one?". Tosser.
The moral of this story? blagging doesn't work.
(Wed 3rd Dec 2008, 13:09, More)
Sales managers = twats
I was working in a call centre for a well known mobile phone vendor a few years ago. Day times were pretty quiet so surfing the internet and reading was permitted whilst waiting for calls.
I was sat reading my book when the sales manager came up for a jovial chat. "What are you reading?" he asked. "Oh, it's 'Down and Out in London and Paris, by George Orwell' I replied. He made a 'hmm interesting'-face to try to convey that he was a man that appreciated literature, then completely blew it by asking "oh, is that his new one?". Tosser.
The moral of this story? blagging doesn't work.
(Wed 3rd Dec 2008, 13:09, More)
» The B3TA Confessional
I like to steal
my girlfriend's knickers and put them on to have a wank sometimes. I'd do it right now if I wasn't going out in 10 minutes.
I once stole some of my ex-girlfriend's which she had borrowed off her mum. I did feel a bit dirty after that.
(Fri 27th Aug 2010, 21:06, More)
I like to steal
my girlfriend's knickers and put them on to have a wank sometimes. I'd do it right now if I wasn't going out in 10 minutes.
I once stole some of my ex-girlfriend's which she had borrowed off her mum. I did feel a bit dirty after that.
(Fri 27th Aug 2010, 21:06, More)
» Tightwads
My Grandad's 'thriftyness' is legendary witinh our family
He will drive up to a mile away from the place he actually wants to visit just to avoid paying for parking, but his favourite trick is recycling. He has in the past built a lathe out of an old washing machine (it broke the instant it was turned on), a shed built entirely of drift wood recovered from the beach, and (my favourite) a magazine rack out of the shelves from his old fridge.
(Sat 25th Oct 2008, 20:04, More)
My Grandad's 'thriftyness' is legendary witinh our family
He will drive up to a mile away from the place he actually wants to visit just to avoid paying for parking, but his favourite trick is recycling. He has in the past built a lathe out of an old washing machine (it broke the instant it was turned on), a shed built entirely of drift wood recovered from the beach, and (my favourite) a magazine rack out of the shelves from his old fridge.
(Sat 25th Oct 2008, 20:04, More)