Profile for custard:
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
- a member for 22 years, 6 months and 11 days
- has posted 2392 messages on the main board
- (of which 40 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 2869 messages on the talk board
- has posted 1024 messages on the links board
- (including 130 links)
- has posted 6 stories and 2 replies on question of the week
- They liked 271 pictures, 210 links, 6 talk posts, and 3 qotw answers.
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Recent front page messages:
o/' The magnificent Fear in its flying machine... o/'

(apologies for size)
(Wed 27th Aug 2003, 23:15, More)

(apologies for size)
(Wed 27th Aug 2003, 23:15, More)
Never let a "Thing" near your Kinder Egg...

You'll never get it back...
(Sat 19th Jul 2003, 16:52, More)

You'll never get it back...
(Sat 19th Jul 2003, 16:52, More)
"b3ta discovers cause of cancer!"

"molecule makes scientists hide behind the sofa!"
(Thu 12th Jun 2003, 10:54, More)

"molecule makes scientists hide behind the sofa!"
(Thu 12th Jun 2003, 10:54, More)
"Thing" goes to Baghdad

(crap, but I'm bored)
(zoiks! another proof of Fnord's Law)
(Wed 7th May 2003, 22:53, More)

(crap, but I'm bored)
(zoiks! another proof of Fnord's Law)
(Wed 7th May 2003, 22:53, More)
The adventures of Deery-Mee; the very stupid fawn...

Part One: Deery-Mee visits the MOD reserve
(apologies to gracielou...)
(Mon 28th Apr 2003, 13:24, More)

Part One: Deery-Mee visits the MOD reserve
(apologies to gracielou...)
(Mon 28th Apr 2003, 13:24, More)
this took ages, but twas a good education...

enjoy - there are more on the way
(Thu 12th Dec 2002, 22:15, More)

enjoy - there are more on the way
(Thu 12th Dec 2002, 22:15, More)
o/' No New Years Day... to celebrate... o/'

o/'No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away...o/'
(the artist formerly known as Colonel Custard)
(Thu 12th Dec 2002, 17:22, More)

o/'No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away...o/'
(the artist formerly known as Colonel Custard)
(Thu 12th Dec 2002, 17:22, More)
As requested...

(Amelie + Twins + Scouse Cat [Mr. Sheep] + Ostrich)
(Wed 20th Nov 2002, 16:57, More)

(Amelie + Twins + Scouse Cat [Mr. Sheep] + Ostrich)
(Wed 20th Nov 2002, 16:57, More)
The Sphinx was delighted with its new fez,

so it rewarded the soldiers with some magic...
(Mon 11th Nov 2002, 19:09, More)

so it rewarded the soldiers with some magic...
(Mon 11th Nov 2002, 19:09, More)

"...and Moses returned from the mountain
top, and did find his people working out,
stuffing their mouths with fresh fruits &
vegetables, gardening, and making pretty,
embroidered cushion covers. And Moses got
very angry..."
(Sun 10th Nov 2002, 19:41, More)

"...and Moses returned from the mountain
top, and did find his people working out,
stuffing their mouths with fresh fruits &
vegetables, gardening, and making pretty,
embroidered cushion covers. And Moses got
very angry..."
(Sun 10th Nov 2002, 19:41, More)
Otter lurve

Yeah baby!
(thanks to rikrak for finding the donor pic)
(Fri 25th Oct 2002, 23:53, More)

Yeah baby!
(thanks to rikrak for finding the donor pic)
(Fri 25th Oct 2002, 23:53, More)
After their dastardly murder of Nohands...

The Colonel and Fluffyknuckles had to be extra careful
(Wed 23rd Oct 2002, 20:42, More)

The Colonel and Fluffyknuckles had to be extra careful
(Wed 23rd Oct 2002, 20:42, More)
"Fluffyknuckles, did you remember the earplugs this time?"

(biggie/wallpaper on the way, but it needs more work)
(Fri 18th Oct 2002, 12:12, More)

(biggie/wallpaper on the way, but it needs more work)
(Fri 18th Oct 2002, 12:12, More)
Nohands thought rescue was on the way, but alas...

(apologies for size - 150Kb)
(Sun 13th Oct 2002, 20:16, More)

(apologies for size - 150Kb)
(Sun 13th Oct 2002, 20:16, More)
Evil Cuddly Toy: 'Muahahaa! I have you now, No Hands!'
No Hands: 'Transmute!'

(Sun 6th Oct 2002, 16:15, More)
No Hands: 'Transmute!'

(Sun 6th Oct 2002, 16:15, More)
Best answers to questions:
» World's Most Hated Food
Another vote for celery...
I love decent coleslaw & salads etc. (with criminal amounts of real mayonnaise), but I hate picking foul bits of celery out of them.
Sprouts; I'm partial to most veg. if they are cooked properly (i.e. al dente + small amount of salt), but sprouts are vile.
Liver, kidneys, and any other non-muscle bits of animals that are laced with piss & shit.
Anything not butter, like I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Because I'm Either Fucking Stupid Or Haven't Tasted Butter Since I Was Five. Small amounts of butter won't kill you, so eat less of it and keep margarine for the few recipes where butter won't work (e.g. cakes).
(Mon 12th Jul 2004, 20:59, More)
Another vote for celery...
I love decent coleslaw & salads etc. (with criminal amounts of real mayonnaise), but I hate picking foul bits of celery out of them.
Sprouts; I'm partial to most veg. if they are cooked properly (i.e. al dente + small amount of salt), but sprouts are vile.
Liver, kidneys, and any other non-muscle bits of animals that are laced with piss & shit.
Anything not butter, like I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Because I'm Either Fucking Stupid Or Haven't Tasted Butter Since I Was Five. Small amounts of butter won't kill you, so eat less of it and keep margarine for the few recipes where butter won't work (e.g. cakes).
(Mon 12th Jul 2004, 20:59, More)
» World's Most Hated Food
I was referring to Nick G & Doctor Evil, not you
disgusting apple juice (cos it's cheap/always in surplus) + blackcurrent/mango/whatever else is cheap and in surplus drinks with disgusting aftertastes because of artificial sweeteners
(Wed 14th Jul 2004, 11:13, More)
I was referring to Nick G & Doctor Evil, not you
disgusting apple juice (cos it's cheap/always in surplus) + blackcurrent/mango/whatever else is cheap and in surplus drinks with disgusting aftertastes because of artificial sweeteners
(Wed 14th Jul 2004, 11:13, More)
» World's Most Hated Food
I'll stick up for rice pudding too
especially if it's homemade (i.e not that canned spunk that Ambrosia makes) with lots of brown sugar et.c
(Wed 14th Jul 2004, 15:30, More)
I'll stick up for rice pudding too
especially if it's homemade (i.e not that canned spunk that Ambrosia makes) with lots of brown sugar et.c
(Wed 14th Jul 2004, 15:30, More)
» World's Most Hated Food
That's true, but that doesn't mean we are not aware of it.
If I had no choice and (more importantly) wasn't aware of the alternatives, then I could probably stomach whale blubber too.
However, my parents never want to eat any of that stuff again. My mother feels nauseous when she recalls some of the stuff she had to eat (like boiled pigs head that stank the entire house out whilst being cooked).
So, stop all the self-righteous stuff and tell us why you hate X.
I hate bananas too, but I'm not sure why. I've not eaten one since someone gave me some dried banana that made me sick, so I've forgotten what they taste like. Their smell (especially of discarded skins) makes me want to heave. I can't share the same space with banana eaters for very long; it's like a phobia/allergy or something.
(Wed 14th Jul 2004, 11:01, More)
That's true, but that doesn't mean we are not aware of it.
If I had no choice and (more importantly) wasn't aware of the alternatives, then I could probably stomach whale blubber too.
However, my parents never want to eat any of that stuff again. My mother feels nauseous when she recalls some of the stuff she had to eat (like boiled pigs head that stank the entire house out whilst being cooked).
So, stop all the self-righteous stuff and tell us why you hate X.
I hate bananas too, but I'm not sure why. I've not eaten one since someone gave me some dried banana that made me sick, so I've forgotten what they taste like. Their smell (especially of discarded skins) makes me want to heave. I can't share the same space with banana eaters for very long; it's like a phobia/allergy or something.
(Wed 14th Jul 2004, 11:01, More)