(apologies for size)

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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:16,

its as great as your rainbow rocket shark
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:17,

all it needs now is for that Zygotik fella to come along and tell you it's shit
and then post a large picture of a crap-looking hand
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:20,
and then post a large picture of a crap-looking hand

is a thing of great beauty and amazingness - no need to apoligise whatsoever!
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:17,

*starts nailing these up*

Clicky Biggy
Ok, I'll try not to jinx it
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:17,

Clicky Biggy
Ok, I'll try not to jinx it

I use it as a woo-yay substitute for fear pics, I can throw in a proper woo-yay if you wish.
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:23,

You should not sully such woosome works with this utter shit.
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:21,

and say that to my face
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:23,
and say that to my face

Zappa is Aaaaalive I tell you!

i thought they were KKK emblems on the wall at the top
this challenge is affecting me
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:22,
this challenge is affecting me

that's amazing! and scary!
loofah fp - thank you magic donkey!
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:19,
loofah fp - thank you magic donkey!

(one day everyone will have woosome 3d software and I will be exposed for the Wizard of Oz like figure that I am)
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:24,

One of these days I'll dust off my copy and dazzle you all with my skills.
No, really.
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:28,
No, really.

3DS MAX is great.
theres a few examples on my site *hint* *hint* *cough*
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:36,
theres a few examples on my site *hint* *hint* *cough*

And do you want some Benylin for that nasty cough you've got?
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:40,

3DSMax 5 on my PC upstairs
but I prefer to sit here in the living room on my PowerBook with it's cancer-inducing leg warmth
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:26,
but I prefer to sit here in the living room on my PowerBook with it's cancer-inducing leg warmth

I'm damned if I can figure it out. I got a textured box out of it once. That was hard enough work.
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:31,

that is all
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Wed 27 Aug 2003, 23:24,

The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear The rocket fear
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Thu 28 Aug 2003, 0:31,