b3ta.com user mattmatt
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Best answers to questions:

» Buses

In Teesside, the armpit of the UK where I happen to reside, we have the happiest bus driver in the whole of the world. Nothing was ever to much trouble, and he had a permanent smile. (Please note this sets him apart from almost every other bus driver, as they are miserable fuckwits)

I didnt really seem him for a while, and I wondered what happened to him.
A few days passed. Then weeks. After what seemed like an eternity, he returned, but he was no longer driving. Oh no, he was now the worlds happiest inspector!

Anyway, to make a long badly written story short, me and a few mates were on the bus. One of my mates had eaten his bus ticket, (fuck knows why) when the inspector boarded. He asked to see our tickets. We produced them. My friend had eaten his ticket. The inspector asked for it, and my friend said he had eaten it. The Inspector said............."you should wait until you get home and try it with jam". Happy, weird fucker.

(Sorry this is shit)
(Wed 1st Jul 2009, 15:42, More)

» Buses

Bus Mentalist
I live in a nice quiet (ish) village in the north of England. Although it is mainly a quiet village, we have a fair few nut cases. (Please bear in mind over the road from my house, there is an actual NHS funded nut house).

Sooooooooo.............anyway, the ACTUAL story is below.

I needed to go to town one day for something or other, and as I approached the bus stop (this was before I aquired by driving license) I saw one of the local nutters. When I got to the bus stop, he simply asked "Bus due?" to which I replied "Not sure mate". Most people would have been content with this answer, but he continually asked me, "Bus due? Bus due?" over and fucking over again, until it arrived.

After getting on the bus, and sitting as far as fucking possible away, we eventually reached the town. The fucking nutty bloke got up, got off the bus, and then proceeded to cross the street, and get back on the same bus to go home again. Nut job. Total nut job.

Sorry about the shitness of the story.............
(Wed 1st Jul 2009, 15:23, More)

» Bizarre habits

Leaving the house
Whenever I leave the house, I have to check every door is locked about 3000 times.

Also, when I walk to the shop, or drive anywhere, I can't go there and back the same way, I have to plan a route that is circular, if you get my drift?
(Thu 1st Jul 2010, 16:05, More)

» Family Feuds


Edit: Oh Yes!! Story later.....
(Thu 12th Nov 2009, 12:25, More)