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- a member for 17 years, 3 months and 29 days
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Worst Band Ever
Not the band as such
But the thing it is attached to,im thinking of my wifes wedding ring.
(Tue 4th Jan 2011, 12:48, More)
Not the band as such
But the thing it is attached to,im thinking of my wifes wedding ring.
(Tue 4th Jan 2011, 12:48, More)
» B3ta Villain of the Year 2010
my missus
for not putting out in jan.or feb,or march,may,june, etc etc,and now its december,sigh
(Thu 23rd Dec 2010, 17:21, More)
my missus
for not putting out in jan.or feb,or march,may,june, etc etc,and now its december,sigh
(Thu 23rd Dec 2010, 17:21, More)
» Narrow Escapes
narrow escape for me, but !!
Driving down the M6 north of birmingham in a seven and a half tonne flat bed lorry,when a lorry wheel came from nowhere,flew over the central reservation,landing about foot away from the front of the lorry before bouncing,clearing the whole length of the lorry,it smashed through the windscreen of the car behind,causing a big pile up as cars crashed into each other.Im ashamed to say i never stopped because i,ve been away for sometime and i just wanted to get home,but when i heard on the radio that a driver had been killed instantly when a wheel had gone through his windscreen,i felt guilty for not stopping,but at the same time said a silent prayer for how close it was at the same time.
(Sat 21st Aug 2010, 20:44, More)
narrow escape for me, but !!
Driving down the M6 north of birmingham in a seven and a half tonne flat bed lorry,when a lorry wheel came from nowhere,flew over the central reservation,landing about foot away from the front of the lorry before bouncing,clearing the whole length of the lorry,it smashed through the windscreen of the car behind,causing a big pile up as cars crashed into each other.Im ashamed to say i never stopped because i,ve been away for sometime and i just wanted to get home,but when i heard on the radio that a driver had been killed instantly when a wheel had gone through his windscreen,i felt guilty for not stopping,but at the same time said a silent prayer for how close it was at the same time.
(Sat 21st Aug 2010, 20:44, More)