Profile for drew pea:
Not terribly exciting, 25 year old guy. I have been bumming at Axa for 6 months since the company I used to work for went bust (no surprise when the MD was constantly pissed and going to Florida). Just about to start a new job in architecture recruitment which im looking forward to. Apart from that, I play the drums, trying to start a band at the moment so if you’re in Bristol gimme a shout. I draw and try to paint but tend to go back to drawing as im much more comfortable with it. I like to read and write. A friend of mine and I are going to try and write a movie. I love football, especially arsenal. Im quite fickle and am a Gemini so if I appear scattered and all over the shop its fine x
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Not terribly exciting, 25 year old guy. I have been bumming at Axa for 6 months since the company I used to work for went bust (no surprise when the MD was constantly pissed and going to Florida). Just about to start a new job in architecture recruitment which im looking forward to. Apart from that, I play the drums, trying to start a band at the moment so if you’re in Bristol gimme a shout. I draw and try to paint but tend to go back to drawing as im much more comfortable with it. I like to read and write. A friend of mine and I are going to try and write a movie. I love football, especially arsenal. Im quite fickle and am a Gemini so if I appear scattered and all over the shop its fine x
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» Evil Pranks
I am evil and reckon ive got dibs on a penthouse in hell
Not so much a prank but just evil, This is my first post too so be nice. A few years back I had the misfortune of dating an emo girl a couple of years my junior, she was still at college while i was taking my first tentative steps into the working world. It was our first christmas as a couple and i was looking forward to the gift exchanging, getting wasted with her college mates and generally having a good one.
Christmas eve has always been a great laugh as the lads play golf, go for lunch then get shit faced all day so I had been over the moon when she had said she was going to a party with her college friends it was the easiest pink pass ever. Cue christmas day at home with the family, make the christmas day phone call and get cut off, try again before lunch get cut off again, a little bit pissed off i leave a pleasant but slightly off voice mail exclaiming best wishes etc etc and asking for a call back, finally get a phone call later that night and i know immediately something is wrong, turns out she slept with a guy on her course that night. Now i reacted badly and told her to feck off out of my life forever and do the classic, delete all contact , number, email, etc etc. (sorry about the length nearly there)
A week passes no contact me thoroughly depressed and miserable and understandably massively angry. We get to New years day and I'm more positive, happy even but STILL THOROUGHLY PISSED OFF!!! My phone rings, number not stored but vaguely familiar, dickhead here picks it up,
"hey its me!" sobbing !
"what do you want i dont want to speak to you!"
now it turns out her dad had got wasted NYE and been in a crash and had died. Now your usual nice guy would have been sympathetic, but as im sure you will learn with future posts, im a bastard when i have been wronged. To my eternal shame I picked up the yellow pages tore the pages out with Funeral Directors on and put in an envelope and posted it to her. The worst prank ever, well i say prank twas just pure evil, surprisingly never heard from her again...... oh and once at boarding school me and my mate locked a notorious gay 6th former in his study and slid female pornoes under the door meanwhile shouting that we were going to cure him! southern baptist accents were assumed for that one.
Length = hoping for a little let off it being my first post and all!
(Thu 13th Dec 2007, 15:36, More)
I am evil and reckon ive got dibs on a penthouse in hell
Not so much a prank but just evil, This is my first post too so be nice. A few years back I had the misfortune of dating an emo girl a couple of years my junior, she was still at college while i was taking my first tentative steps into the working world. It was our first christmas as a couple and i was looking forward to the gift exchanging, getting wasted with her college mates and generally having a good one.
Christmas eve has always been a great laugh as the lads play golf, go for lunch then get shit faced all day so I had been over the moon when she had said she was going to a party with her college friends it was the easiest pink pass ever. Cue christmas day at home with the family, make the christmas day phone call and get cut off, try again before lunch get cut off again, a little bit pissed off i leave a pleasant but slightly off voice mail exclaiming best wishes etc etc and asking for a call back, finally get a phone call later that night and i know immediately something is wrong, turns out she slept with a guy on her course that night. Now i reacted badly and told her to feck off out of my life forever and do the classic, delete all contact , number, email, etc etc. (sorry about the length nearly there)
A week passes no contact me thoroughly depressed and miserable and understandably massively angry. We get to New years day and I'm more positive, happy even but STILL THOROUGHLY PISSED OFF!!! My phone rings, number not stored but vaguely familiar, dickhead here picks it up,
"hey its me!" sobbing !
"what do you want i dont want to speak to you!"
now it turns out her dad had got wasted NYE and been in a crash and had died. Now your usual nice guy would have been sympathetic, but as im sure you will learn with future posts, im a bastard when i have been wronged. To my eternal shame I picked up the yellow pages tore the pages out with Funeral Directors on and put in an envelope and posted it to her. The worst prank ever, well i say prank twas just pure evil, surprisingly never heard from her again...... oh and once at boarding school me and my mate locked a notorious gay 6th former in his study and slid female pornoes under the door meanwhile shouting that we were going to cure him! southern baptist accents were assumed for that one.
Length = hoping for a little let off it being my first post and all!
(Thu 13th Dec 2007, 15:36, More)
» Dumb things you've done
My brother the C*nt!!!
sorry for the immediate double post but this is pure dumb gold!
My brother, 5 years older than me, a proper bastard because he loved torturing me and making me look stupid as a kid and i never learned, after all he was my big brother and i idolised him and most of my free time was spent trying to be like him and follow him and his friends around, (basically i was an annoying little shit). It was on my seventh birthday and he must have been 11 about to turn 12 and as it was my day he had been secretly beating me up and bullying me and my friends all day. My mum and decide suggest playing a game of blinds man bluff after lunch to try and tire us out, obviously being birthday boy i got to be the chaser first so i was blindfolded and all my little friends darted off to get the game going.
Now let me set the scene a little, there was only about 15 of us plus my brother and the garden wasnt exactly massive but had a large feild immediately tagged onto the back of it seperated by steel wire and concrete posts.......... if you can see whats coming here already i salute you!
My bastard, evil, sadistic, twunt of a brother stood directly behind said concrete post and hollered. His being the nearest voice i start pegging it off towards the sound laughing and skipping all the way. CRUNCH, SPLAT, MMMMMUUUUUMMMMMMYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! i had run teeth first into the post and managed to swallow no fewer than seven of my baby teeth, the impact actually caused so much damage to my teeth that i still have a dead baby tooth inside my bottom front tooth today! 18 years later.
To make it even worse we were at our holiday home in ireland and the nearest dentist was a 2 hour drive away in cork!
And it was that holiday my brother told me i was adopted too! pretty shitty all round.
no apologies for the lenght he deserves to be shamed!
(Thu 20th Dec 2007, 15:12, More)
My brother the C*nt!!!
sorry for the immediate double post but this is pure dumb gold!
My brother, 5 years older than me, a proper bastard because he loved torturing me and making me look stupid as a kid and i never learned, after all he was my big brother and i idolised him and most of my free time was spent trying to be like him and follow him and his friends around, (basically i was an annoying little shit). It was on my seventh birthday and he must have been 11 about to turn 12 and as it was my day he had been secretly beating me up and bullying me and my friends all day. My mum and decide suggest playing a game of blinds man bluff after lunch to try and tire us out, obviously being birthday boy i got to be the chaser first so i was blindfolded and all my little friends darted off to get the game going.
Now let me set the scene a little, there was only about 15 of us plus my brother and the garden wasnt exactly massive but had a large feild immediately tagged onto the back of it seperated by steel wire and concrete posts.......... if you can see whats coming here already i salute you!
My bastard, evil, sadistic, twunt of a brother stood directly behind said concrete post and hollered. His being the nearest voice i start pegging it off towards the sound laughing and skipping all the way. CRUNCH, SPLAT, MMMMMUUUUUMMMMMMYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! i had run teeth first into the post and managed to swallow no fewer than seven of my baby teeth, the impact actually caused so much damage to my teeth that i still have a dead baby tooth inside my bottom front tooth today! 18 years later.
To make it even worse we were at our holiday home in ireland and the nearest dentist was a 2 hour drive away in cork!
And it was that holiday my brother told me i was adopted too! pretty shitty all round.
no apologies for the lenght he deserves to be shamed!
(Thu 20th Dec 2007, 15:12, More)
» Evil Pranks
this was really bad
My friend and I alex in pre school were in the same year as a kid called dave (names changed) with cerebal palsey (spelling yikes) or something similar i cant remember now but the point is he had one of those motorised scooter things you see old bastards on to get around between classes.It was one the wettest days of the year and lunchtimes had us stranded in classrooms or just milling about Now being the hideous evil little twunts we were we decided to have some fun. A decision was made that we would steal Daves scooter and go joyriding. Thats not the worst bit, after we had worked out our plan we got one of the girls to act as a decoy while alex nicked the key from daves bag. Que to preteen boys running out of the room, stealing the buggy and driving off down the halls. (when im pissed and i tell this story i claim there was wheel spin.) After a lap of two of school we thought fuck it and headed off to the playground, when we saw how flooded it was genius struck and we headed dead centre for the middle of the puddle that was taking up about 50% of the playground.
Still not sure if it was worth the suspension, the sopping wet clothes and my old man paying to get the electric motor fixed on daves buggy, but it still makes me laugh now. for the record im a horrible horrible human being!
(Thu 13th Dec 2007, 17:43, More)
this was really bad
My friend and I alex in pre school were in the same year as a kid called dave (names changed) with cerebal palsey (spelling yikes) or something similar i cant remember now but the point is he had one of those motorised scooter things you see old bastards on to get around between classes.It was one the wettest days of the year and lunchtimes had us stranded in classrooms or just milling about Now being the hideous evil little twunts we were we decided to have some fun. A decision was made that we would steal Daves scooter and go joyriding. Thats not the worst bit, after we had worked out our plan we got one of the girls to act as a decoy while alex nicked the key from daves bag. Que to preteen boys running out of the room, stealing the buggy and driving off down the halls. (when im pissed and i tell this story i claim there was wheel spin.) After a lap of two of school we thought fuck it and headed off to the playground, when we saw how flooded it was genius struck and we headed dead centre for the middle of the puddle that was taking up about 50% of the playground.
Still not sure if it was worth the suspension, the sopping wet clothes and my old man paying to get the electric motor fixed on daves buggy, but it still makes me laugh now. for the record im a horrible horrible human being!
(Thu 13th Dec 2007, 17:43, More)
» Mix Tapes
this could probably have gone in the "i knew it was over when" qotw
Met a girl reading the da vinci code in quite a famous livestock esque music venue in bristol, she was studying at bristol uni and we got talking about dan brown and then other books and authors etc. Turns out we had fairly similar tastes in literature and ended up spending most of the evening with her and her friends. After the bands had finished and it was time to leave, we exchanged numbers had a bit of a kiss and I went off. A couple of days later a band I liked was playing in the same venue and my mate pulled out leaving me with a spare ticket and a brilliant reason to get her out again. So I met her before had a drink then went to watch the band ,which she hated…. Turns out that she was only there last time as one of her friends was seeing one of the band members. It didn’t really bother me or anything just laughed it off and tried to enjoy the rest of an evening. After the gig we were walking along Bristol bridge to head into town and she came up with the idea of doing each other mix cd’s as she hadn’t heard of half the bands I was talking about wanting to see. Thinking this was actually a brilliant idea and slightly annoyed I didn’t come up with it first I threw myself into making the perfect mix cd. Think John Cusack in High Fidelity but with more sexual frustration thrown in (she hadn’t put out). We exchanged CD’s later on that week and sweet jesus was the rug pulled out under my feet. The first fucking track was Flying without wings by westlife. Second track was mysterious girl by peter andre. I didn’t get as far as track 3. I only saw her a couple of times after that as it soon transpired that we had nothing in common apart from books. BTW this might make me sound shallow but the feeling was mutual, I cant remember all the tracks now but they included, Modern love by Bowie, anthems for a 17 year old girl , broken social scene, cardigans, deftones, manics, foo fighters !
It just shows how important mix tapes are!
(Thu 7th Feb 2008, 14:21, More)
this could probably have gone in the "i knew it was over when" qotw
Met a girl reading the da vinci code in quite a famous livestock esque music venue in bristol, she was studying at bristol uni and we got talking about dan brown and then other books and authors etc. Turns out we had fairly similar tastes in literature and ended up spending most of the evening with her and her friends. After the bands had finished and it was time to leave, we exchanged numbers had a bit of a kiss and I went off. A couple of days later a band I liked was playing in the same venue and my mate pulled out leaving me with a spare ticket and a brilliant reason to get her out again. So I met her before had a drink then went to watch the band ,which she hated…. Turns out that she was only there last time as one of her friends was seeing one of the band members. It didn’t really bother me or anything just laughed it off and tried to enjoy the rest of an evening. After the gig we were walking along Bristol bridge to head into town and she came up with the idea of doing each other mix cd’s as she hadn’t heard of half the bands I was talking about wanting to see. Thinking this was actually a brilliant idea and slightly annoyed I didn’t come up with it first I threw myself into making the perfect mix cd. Think John Cusack in High Fidelity but with more sexual frustration thrown in (she hadn’t put out). We exchanged CD’s later on that week and sweet jesus was the rug pulled out under my feet. The first fucking track was Flying without wings by westlife. Second track was mysterious girl by peter andre. I didn’t get as far as track 3. I only saw her a couple of times after that as it soon transpired that we had nothing in common apart from books. BTW this might make me sound shallow but the feeling was mutual, I cant remember all the tracks now but they included, Modern love by Bowie, anthems for a 17 year old girl , broken social scene, cardigans, deftones, manics, foo fighters !
It just shows how important mix tapes are!
(Thu 7th Feb 2008, 14:21, More)
» Dumb things you've done
monumentally stupid, but cute too!
When i was in reception class (Aged 4-5 for my non brit pals) i was constantly told horror stories about the infant1 teacher mrs davies, this woman was a heinous bitch and derived great pleasure from bullying and torturing small children so come the last week of summer term when i would be leaving the sanctity and safety of play people, stickle bricks and big lego i was shitting it!
Now i was a cunning little bugger always thinking ahead and realised early on lying usually got me out of trouble and gave me a pretty easy ride, seeing my opportunity I confidently strolled up to Mrs davies in the playground that lunch and proceeded to tell her that i wouldnt be joining her class next term as my father had secured a new job in australia (no idea where i got that shit from), cue a puzzled look on Mrs Davies face and me feeling very satisfied, until about ten minutes after lunch when Mrs Davies popped her head around the reception door and asked for a word with the teacher. Thirty seconds later im standing there crying my eyes out after my poor little bottom got a hiding like none id experienced before, Being 5 i hadnt thought my plan out thoroughly the reception teacher was my mother and she didnt take kindly to me lying to her colleagues!
she tells that story today to my friends!
mega dumb
(Thu 20th Dec 2007, 15:01, More)
monumentally stupid, but cute too!
When i was in reception class (Aged 4-5 for my non brit pals) i was constantly told horror stories about the infant1 teacher mrs davies, this woman was a heinous bitch and derived great pleasure from bullying and torturing small children so come the last week of summer term when i would be leaving the sanctity and safety of play people, stickle bricks and big lego i was shitting it!
Now i was a cunning little bugger always thinking ahead and realised early on lying usually got me out of trouble and gave me a pretty easy ride, seeing my opportunity I confidently strolled up to Mrs davies in the playground that lunch and proceeded to tell her that i wouldnt be joining her class next term as my father had secured a new job in australia (no idea where i got that shit from), cue a puzzled look on Mrs Davies face and me feeling very satisfied, until about ten minutes after lunch when Mrs Davies popped her head around the reception door and asked for a word with the teacher. Thirty seconds later im standing there crying my eyes out after my poor little bottom got a hiding like none id experienced before, Being 5 i hadnt thought my plan out thoroughly the reception teacher was my mother and she didnt take kindly to me lying to her colleagues!
she tells that story today to my friends!
mega dumb
(Thu 20th Dec 2007, 15:01, More)