Profile for k3b/-\b:
Largley I draw caricatures. All images below 100kb.
Mature content warning. NSFW=not safe for work, could be considered porn. CDB= crudely done bits. Depictions of genitalia, such as maybe seen on the back of a school dunny door. Lan=foul language, such as cuntbubble and so on. Doesn't really need a warning, I just think it's funny to put it in.
Gaz me should you ever want an a4 sized version, sometimes I don't have them though.
Brian Blessed
Maggie Thatcher, animated
Johnny Depp
Merv Hughes rendered in playdough CDB.
Audrey Hepburn, quick
Sarah Palin, NSFW, unfinished
Kevin Pietersen
Ricky Ponting
Einstien, quick
Posh Spice, draft
Amy Winehouse, head
Amy again, as a duck
Briget Jones
Dawn French, draft, CDB.
Rowan Atkison as the fourth Blackadder
Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat
b3tan Barbarossa. 'A portriat of a 12th century Fred as a worshipable rock' Barbie's profile
Billie Piper, NSFW, topless
Sometimes I draw quick and dirty sketches, often of Australian politicians.
Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard. CDB
House M.D.
Julia Gillard. CDB.
John Howard. Lan.
I do make other pictures, here are the ones that please me:

All the cut
Maybe your legs had just grow. unfortunately edited
gonna to get caught, again edited
My most popular images:
b3ta search
My first post
seams ok!
I occasionally post on deviantart, here is the link.
My Ass Is On Fire made this lovely picture for me:

Thread here
My Ass Is On Fire later did this:
SockCooker cooked me a cake!
Killerkitti thinks p3l3 and I look like this:

arrangedletters drew a carrotcature of me

J Peasemould Gruntfuttock awarded me this:

For this
I feel I achieved something with
I am a fan of Dildostage Hydrauliccorona

The picture is by The Dutch Inventor Mediocre
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
- a member for 17 years, 3 months and 21 days
- has posted 27659 messages on the main board
- has posted 0 messages on the talk board
- has posted 0 messages on the links board
- has posted 9 stories and 14 replies on question of the week
- They liked 1614 pictures, 8 links, 1 talk posts, and 72 qotw answers. [RSS feed]
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The pictures I see fit to post here
Largley I draw caricatures. All images below 100kb.
Mature content warning. NSFW=not safe for work, could be considered porn. CDB= crudely done bits. Depictions of genitalia, such as maybe seen on the back of a school dunny door. Lan=foul language, such as cuntbubble and so on. Doesn't really need a warning, I just think it's funny to put it in.
Gaz me should you ever want an a4 sized version, sometimes I don't have them though.
Brian Blessed
Maggie Thatcher, animated
Johnny Depp
Merv Hughes rendered in playdough CDB.
Audrey Hepburn, quick
Sarah Palin, NSFW, unfinished
Kevin Pietersen
Ricky Ponting
Einstien, quick
Posh Spice, draft
Amy Winehouse, head
Amy again, as a duck
Briget Jones
Dawn French, draft, CDB.
Rowan Atkison as the fourth Blackadder
Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat
b3tan Barbarossa. 'A portriat of a 12th century Fred as a worshipable rock' Barbie's profile
Billie Piper, NSFW, topless
Sometimes I draw quick and dirty sketches, often of Australian politicians.
Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard. CDB
House M.D.
Julia Gillard. CDB.
John Howard. Lan.
I do make other pictures, here are the ones that please me:

All the cut
Maybe your legs had just grow. unfortunately edited
gonna to get caught, again edited
My most popular images:
b3ta search
My first post
seams ok!
I occasionally post on deviantart, here is the link.
Vanity Basin!
Pictures people have made me.
My Ass Is On Fire made this lovely picture for me:

Thread here
My Ass Is On Fire later did this:
SockCooker cooked me a cake!
Killerkitti thinks p3l3 and I look like this:

arrangedletters drew a carrotcature of me
J Peasemould Gruntfuttock awarded me this:

For this
I feel I achieved something with
I am a fan of Dildostage Hydrauliccorona

The picture is by The Dutch Inventor Mediocre
Please take a number:
hit counter
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Public Transport Trauma
Not the worst, but probably the funniest.
I was on a train, late at night, going home after a reasonably booze filled evening. I was sitting on my own up the back of a carriage, this bloke comes in, obviously returning from an equally boozey evening. He grins broadly at me and says:
"Oi Che, howzit goin mate"
And shakes my hand, before stumbling off telling his mates he just met Che Guvera.
A little bit of a description may be needed here. I have long wavy black hair and a scraggy full beard and I wear a beret like hat. That was all good and well, but then, just as my long journey drew to a close this other pissed yobbo (Aussie version of a Chav) and his mates gets on. This fella is a little unhappy:
"AAAAh fucking bastards. I'm not fucking pissed, I've got money they should fucking give me what I'm paying for"
So he's been booted out of the pub.
"Fucking Panthers!"
His footy team lost...
"Fucking touchies that was fucking forward"
...and he's blaming the ref.
"Fucking Centerlink. fucking government"
His dole money had been cut or he had to look for a job.
Then he looks at me, only standing cause of the fat bird he was leaning on. First one eye focuses on me and then the other. He recognises me and points:
"And this guy is fucking Jesus! Fucking caused every fucking war on this fucking planet. Fucking millions of fucking people died."
This one obviously ticked off his bird who shoved him into a seat and said:
"Yeah sorry about him, he's heaps drunk"
How could I not say 'You're forgiven my son'?
Length: Mine was the next stop.
(Fri 30th May 2008, 8:47, More)
Not the worst, but probably the funniest.
I was on a train, late at night, going home after a reasonably booze filled evening. I was sitting on my own up the back of a carriage, this bloke comes in, obviously returning from an equally boozey evening. He grins broadly at me and says:
"Oi Che, howzit goin mate"
And shakes my hand, before stumbling off telling his mates he just met Che Guvera.
A little bit of a description may be needed here. I have long wavy black hair and a scraggy full beard and I wear a beret like hat. That was all good and well, but then, just as my long journey drew to a close this other pissed yobbo (Aussie version of a Chav) and his mates gets on. This fella is a little unhappy:
"AAAAh fucking bastards. I'm not fucking pissed, I've got money they should fucking give me what I'm paying for"
So he's been booted out of the pub.
"Fucking Panthers!"
His footy team lost...
"Fucking touchies that was fucking forward"
...and he's blaming the ref.
"Fucking Centerlink. fucking government"
His dole money had been cut or he had to look for a job.
Then he looks at me, only standing cause of the fat bird he was leaning on. First one eye focuses on me and then the other. He recognises me and points:
"And this guy is fucking Jesus! Fucking caused every fucking war on this fucking planet. Fucking millions of fucking people died."
This one obviously ticked off his bird who shoved him into a seat and said:
"Yeah sorry about him, he's heaps drunk"
How could I not say 'You're forgiven my son'?
Length: Mine was the next stop.
(Fri 30th May 2008, 8:47, More)
» Pubs
Landsdowne Hotel, just opposite Sydney Uni:
I was playing pool with a couple of mates, when this drunk, possibly high, chick comes over (we didn't know her) and grabbed the cue ball and threw it at me.
She missed.
I told her to fuck off.
Her friend told me not to be rude, so I told her to fuck off as well.
That was an exciting read wasn't it?
(Sat 7th Feb 2009, 6:03, More)
Landsdowne Hotel, just opposite Sydney Uni:
I was playing pool with a couple of mates, when this drunk, possibly high, chick comes over (we didn't know her) and grabbed the cue ball and threw it at me.
She missed.
I told her to fuck off.
Her friend told me not to be rude, so I told her to fuck off as well.
That was an exciting read wasn't it?
(Sat 7th Feb 2009, 6:03, More)