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» Tales of the Unexplained
Museum Ghosts
When I was about 15 I was begrudgly dragged on a family trip to the Black Country Living Museum. For those of you not from the Midlands, its basically a Victorian 'street' with real shops and stuff from many moons ago. It also has people dressed up and going around pretending to be chimney sweeps etc.
Anywho... I was off ahead of my family and went down an alley that led to a small bakery in a yard. The yard was completely closed off and the only exit was where I was standing. I looked into the bakery window and there were 2 women in victorian costume baking bread, flour was all over the work surfaces and they were kneading away. They looked up and smiled at me and beckoned me to come in, so I turned around for a split second and shouted down the alley to my parents to come and see the people baking. I turned back and they were gone! Also the bread, flour and rolling pins were gone as well, all that was left was empty work surfaces. I freaked out LOADS and kinda ran off...thinking I was crazy. A few hours later we were back in the same place and there was a museum bloke in there and I asked him if they baked bread and stuff in there, to which he replied they couldn't do actual baking etc in there as health and safety prevented them using the old worksurfaces etc.
The thing was I wasn't overly scared at the time, the women looked really friendly, yet to this day I can't explain how 2 women and all their baking equipment disappeared into thin air!
(Sun 6th Jul 2008, 16:32, More)
Museum Ghosts
When I was about 15 I was begrudgly dragged on a family trip to the Black Country Living Museum. For those of you not from the Midlands, its basically a Victorian 'street' with real shops and stuff from many moons ago. It also has people dressed up and going around pretending to be chimney sweeps etc.
Anywho... I was off ahead of my family and went down an alley that led to a small bakery in a yard. The yard was completely closed off and the only exit was where I was standing. I looked into the bakery window and there were 2 women in victorian costume baking bread, flour was all over the work surfaces and they were kneading away. They looked up and smiled at me and beckoned me to come in, so I turned around for a split second and shouted down the alley to my parents to come and see the people baking. I turned back and they were gone! Also the bread, flour and rolling pins were gone as well, all that was left was empty work surfaces. I freaked out LOADS and kinda ran off...thinking I was crazy. A few hours later we were back in the same place and there was a museum bloke in there and I asked him if they baked bread and stuff in there, to which he replied they couldn't do actual baking etc in there as health and safety prevented them using the old worksurfaces etc.
The thing was I wasn't overly scared at the time, the women looked really friendly, yet to this day I can't explain how 2 women and all their baking equipment disappeared into thin air!
(Sun 6th Jul 2008, 16:32, More)