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ยป Kids
Not my kid, actually not even a kid..
Quite off topic this one, but i guess it will fit.
A mate of mine who isnt the brightest kid ever but still dosnt have any disability or anything (except for a bit of a lisp) once said, out loud, in a group of us, at school. "Your sisters got manboobs!"
That was the funniest thing I heard in year 7
(Sun 20th Apr 2008, 23:00, More)
Not my kid, actually not even a kid..
Quite off topic this one, but i guess it will fit.
A mate of mine who isnt the brightest kid ever but still dosnt have any disability or anything (except for a bit of a lisp) once said, out loud, in a group of us, at school. "Your sisters got manboobs!"
That was the funniest thing I heard in year 7
(Sun 20th Apr 2008, 23:00, More)