b3ta.com user hagga
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» When Animals Attack

eye watering experience....still makes me cringe today...
A few years ago, whilst I was with the now ex wife, upon finishing a set of night shifts thought I'd get some early moring loving with the missis.
It was a warm sunny sunday morning and after after arousing her out of her vodka fuelled coma planned on giving her, what I thought would be a nice waking up. Little to my knowledge, we wern't alone that morning and were sharing our bedroom with one of our cats.
Pepsi was funny little creature,petite,jet black and had somewhat took a dislike to me and always seemed to give me that 'I'm going to get you' look after I had renamed her 'bumhole'..reasons being that she used to walk around with her tale in the air dispaying her pink feline tea towel holder to the world.
Me an the missis were getting a little frisky, duvet and pillows now on the floor....then..my moment of loving ended, my world crumbled, and I was left clutching my member.
The little furry bastard had took advantage, snook up onto the bed and proceeded to take a swipe at me...after my squeals had died down, I uncupped my now deflated excuse for a penis to reveal 3,inch long bloody scratches apon my end.
needless to say,cats are now banned from the bedroom and to this day, if I recall the sorry moment, I cringe and eewwwwww lmao
(Tue 29th Apr 2008, 23:54, More)

» Cougars and Sugar Daddies

feck feck feck
Myself at the ripe age of 34, being separated for 2 years would basically 'do' anything going, rangeing from a 21 year old lass with too many dark hairs on her face that I'd like to mention..(hey..she was 21! :) ) up to what my friends called 'the gilf'. She wasn't really that much older at 42, but omg what a woman. She was a 6ft size 10 childless career motivated sexual monster. I still dream about the fine quality of oral that she gave me but after much taunting from friends I decided to exchange 'the gilf' for a younger model. It was then after the awkward 'things ain't working etc' speech that I found out she was absolutly minted!.... not that I'm low, but still.... Terrrwat!
(Thu 4th Dec 2008, 23:16, More)

» Tightwads

tight pikey work mate!
Not much of a story here..but the guy I work with is sooooo fucking tight... he'd steal the last breath from a dying kitten... WANKER!
(Thu 23rd Oct 2008, 22:15, More)