b3ta.com user ChunderThunder
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» Pet Peeves

hang on a second im not talking women in general, but my pet peeve does seem to be a trait exclusively associated with the fairer sex

So, women. Why do you see the need to have 23 different brands of bathroom products when 3 would surely be enough for the job. My flatmate happens to be female and I just counted: 6 different shampoos, 3 different shower gels, 3 conditioners and 2 bubble bath bottles. Seriously why?!

Is it one for every day of the week, or one for long hair one for curly one for slightly shinier? Or is it another of these womens tests to show that we aren't paying attention. I'm personally waiting for the following conversation:
Me: Hey
Female friend: *silent treatment*
Me: Whats up?
FF: Nothing *more silent treatment* Its just that I started using this new 40% more shine 20% more volume shampoo today instead of head and shoulders, but you haven't noticed. You never notice. You never pay any attention to me
*walks off*
Me: WTF?

As you may have guessed I'm a guy, and one bottle of own brand shampoo and one X brand "for men" shower gel (yeh i know it's the same as the rest but I would rather buy that than see the till girl's expression when I present her with the latest cherryblossom and magnolia version) is enough for me.

Surely ONE bottle of shampoo, ONE bottle of shower gel, and (as you are women) ONE bottle of conditioner will suffice. Perhaps then there will be space around the edge of the bath for my stuff rather than it having to be up on the windowsill. AAAARRGGHH


Apologies for length etc, be gentle on me i'm new ;)
(Tue 6th May 2008, 13:41, More)