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» Tales of the Unexplained
I control the lights!! yes i do!
Ok....about ten years ago I was walking the mile or so from the train station to my house late one night....
...when I walk under a street lamp. The light goes off as I walk under it. 'That's weird' I thought to myself and walk on. When I'm about 20 feet away it comes back on again.
The same thing happened with the next light.
...and the next light....
...and the next light....
By this point I'm both baffled and more than a little bit freaked out...and run the rest of the way home.
The same thing happened to me about four or five times over the following years. All late at night and on the same route home.
It even happened when a mate was with me. We tested it and the lights went off when I went under - but not when he did.
So are there aliens in the street lamps? Or am I just supernaturally in charge of the lights?
B*ggered if I know.
(Fri 4th Jul 2008, 15:54, More)
I control the lights!! yes i do!
Ok....about ten years ago I was walking the mile or so from the train station to my house late one night....
...when I walk under a street lamp. The light goes off as I walk under it. 'That's weird' I thought to myself and walk on. When I'm about 20 feet away it comes back on again.
The same thing happened with the next light.
...and the next light....
...and the next light....
By this point I'm both baffled and more than a little bit freaked out...and run the rest of the way home.
The same thing happened to me about four or five times over the following years. All late at night and on the same route home.
It even happened when a mate was with me. We tested it and the lights went off when I went under - but not when he did.
So are there aliens in the street lamps? Or am I just supernaturally in charge of the lights?
B*ggered if I know.
(Fri 4th Jul 2008, 15:54, More)