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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Sexism
Learned or Innate?
My 4 year old nephew Benny was over for a visit recently. He has been raised by his mother only, as his father decided kids weren't for him, and disappeared early on, so you would expect him to be raised with neutral or maybe even slightly feminist tendencies. But as we were roughhousing on the couch my fiance comes over and sits next to us and Benny shouts "You can't sit here, this is for guys only!"
Well ok, she thinks, it's probably just some game he wants to play. Can't hurt to play along can it? So she goes across the room to sit in a chair.
"No, you can't sit there either, that's for guys only!" He blurts.
No problem, she goes into the next room and sits on the stairs facing us.
"You can't sit there either!" He delightedly squeals.
Still not sure at what he's getting at my fiance asks "Well Benny, where do girls go?"
Without hesitation he says "The kitchen!"
(Thu 31st Dec 2009, 15:27, More)
Learned or Innate?
My 4 year old nephew Benny was over for a visit recently. He has been raised by his mother only, as his father decided kids weren't for him, and disappeared early on, so you would expect him to be raised with neutral or maybe even slightly feminist tendencies. But as we were roughhousing on the couch my fiance comes over and sits next to us and Benny shouts "You can't sit here, this is for guys only!"
Well ok, she thinks, it's probably just some game he wants to play. Can't hurt to play along can it? So she goes across the room to sit in a chair.
"No, you can't sit there either, that's for guys only!" He blurts.
No problem, she goes into the next room and sits on the stairs facing us.
"You can't sit there either!" He delightedly squeals.
Still not sure at what he's getting at my fiance asks "Well Benny, where do girls go?"
Without hesitation he says "The kitchen!"
(Thu 31st Dec 2009, 15:27, More)
» Hypocrisy
My co-workers
have been venting a lot lately about the production scandals from china, swearing that they will never ever buy something made from a 3rd world country. as soon as that rant is over i hear "i got these shoes at wal-mart, aren't they cute? they were so cheap, i love wal-mart!"
(Fri 20th Feb 2009, 0:36, More)
My co-workers
have been venting a lot lately about the production scandals from china, swearing that they will never ever buy something made from a 3rd world country. as soon as that rant is over i hear "i got these shoes at wal-mart, aren't they cute? they were so cheap, i love wal-mart!"
(Fri 20th Feb 2009, 0:36, More)