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- a member for 23 years, 2 months and 24 days
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Recent front page messages:
The evidence goes back further...
Damn it, those pictures from the 70's continue to show the disturbing trend that Bill Oddie must investigate:

Dammit Bill, kick some penguin ass.
(Fri 4th Jan 2002, 17:25, More)
Damn it, those pictures from the 70's continue to show the disturbing trend that Bill Oddie must investigate:
Dammit Bill, kick some penguin ass.
(Fri 4th Jan 2002, 17:25, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Petty Sabotage
One I didn't come up with but wish I did...
Someone on campus got hold of some university headed paper. They printed out letters and delivered them do all 120 houses on campus announcing that there was a hoover inspection and could students bring their hoovers to the admin block.
The next day, the campus was filled with students carrying hoovers around.
(Sat 7th May 2005, 16:55, More)
One I didn't come up with but wish I did...
Someone on campus got hold of some university headed paper. They printed out letters and delivered them do all 120 houses on campus announcing that there was a hoover inspection and could students bring their hoovers to the admin block.
The next day, the campus was filled with students carrying hoovers around.
(Sat 7th May 2005, 16:55, More)
» Pure Ignorance
God Bless America
My cousin spent a few months travelling around America and people usually picked up on his accent.
"Where are you from?" asked one girl.
"I've not heard of Liverpool."
"It's where The Beatles were from."
"The Beatles are American."
This girl was convinced The Beatles were American and couldn't be told otherwise.
(Sat 8th Jan 2005, 10:13, More)
God Bless America
My cousin spent a few months travelling around America and people usually picked up on his accent.
"Where are you from?" asked one girl.
"I've not heard of Liverpool."
"It's where The Beatles were from."
"The Beatles are American."
This girl was convinced The Beatles were American and couldn't be told otherwise.
(Sat 8th Jan 2005, 10:13, More)
» Petty Sabotage
Sofa So Good
The house next to us at uni were a pain during exams, playing music loud, having BBQ's outside when people we revising for finals etc...
After the end of the year, people started moving out of the houses on campus. Any old sofas that several students had bought from a shop in town for £20 had to be removed from the houses at the end of term, something to do with fire regulations. My friends discovered a sofa that fitted perfectly into the recessed door ways that the houses had. Next door couldn't get out as the sofa blocked them in.
(Sat 7th May 2005, 16:17, More)
Sofa So Good
The house next to us at uni were a pain during exams, playing music loud, having BBQ's outside when people we revising for finals etc...
After the end of the year, people started moving out of the houses on campus. Any old sofas that several students had bought from a shop in town for £20 had to be removed from the houses at the end of term, something to do with fire regulations. My friends discovered a sofa that fitted perfectly into the recessed door ways that the houses had. Next door couldn't get out as the sofa blocked them in.
(Sat 7th May 2005, 16:17, More)
» Useless Information
Myths Debunked & Facts
Ducks quacks do echo:
(worth looking at that link for the picture)
Portuguese Navy aren't the only navy to allow alcohol on board, the Royal Navy do for a start.
You can keep your eyes open when you sneeze (I do it sometime if I'm driving)
Facts (or so I believe):
Elephants are the only mammals who have four legs that all bend in the same direction.
Duck-billed platypuses are the only mammal that can sting (they have spines or something in their back legs).
The noise for the Tardis on Doctor Who was made by someone running a key down a piano's strings and slowing down the recording (listen to it).
The medical name for when you suddenly jerk when trying to get to sleep is called a myoclonic spasm.
(Sat 19th Mar 2005, 14:19, More)
Myths Debunked & Facts
Ducks quacks do echo:
(worth looking at that link for the picture)
Portuguese Navy aren't the only navy to allow alcohol on board, the Royal Navy do for a start.
You can keep your eyes open when you sneeze (I do it sometime if I'm driving)
Facts (or so I believe):
Elephants are the only mammals who have four legs that all bend in the same direction.
Duck-billed platypuses are the only mammal that can sting (they have spines or something in their back legs).
The noise for the Tardis on Doctor Who was made by someone running a key down a piano's strings and slowing down the recording (listen to it).
The medical name for when you suddenly jerk when trying to get to sleep is called a myoclonic spasm.
(Sat 19th Mar 2005, 14:19, More)