b3ta.com user da5id
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Hebtro make trousers and shirts and boots and jumpers, and will sell them to you using this internet hyperlink. All made in the UK and ideal as gifts for blokes. JUST BUY A JUMPER OK?
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Profile for da5id:
Profile Info:

Name: Dave
Age: Ancient
Lives: London
Months lurked on B3ta before posting: many
Understanding of memes, themes, flame-worthy crimes& cats: 8%

Flatfrog made this for me at the B3ta DrikieDoodle:

Shitty Puns:

Recent front page messages:

Happy Valentine's Day you wonderful bastards!

(Tue 14th Feb 2017, 20:20, More)

British experts help analyse likely route of Malaysian plane

EDIT: Holy Shit! My first FP!
(Tue 25th Mar 2014, 8:47, More)

Best answers to questions:

» Amazing Projects

I was particularly proud of the hill climb part of the track...

(Thu 17th Nov 2011, 21:04, More)

» Silly Achievements

I had a letter printed in Private Eye the week Linda McCartney died. I quote:
"I note Linda McCartney has requested that instead of flowers, well-wishers donate to charities for animal welfare and cancer research in her memory. Perhaps if her animal welfare friends had stopped firebombing medical research clinics, they might have found a cure for her cancer earlier."
My proudest publication ever.
(Tue 21st Oct 2014, 23:55, More)

» The best thing I've built


There were even little LED lights in the tunnels...
(Thu 11th Oct 2012, 21:57, More)

» Bad gigs

At last, an opportunity to pearoast something...
So there the three of us were at some godforsaken student union bar in North London pissed up on warm pints of Brown Ale watching The Adverts for some reason. My mate Jule was a big fan, as I was, but our other mate Elvis (named for his thick black NHS glasses) didn't know them so well.

A few days earlier I'd recorded a C60 with the "Crossing The Red Sea" album so he'd know the band before we saw them; there was enough space at the end to stick a couple of singles on, including "Take Me I'm Yours" by Squeeze.

I can still see it now; a crowd of punks leaping around yelling for their favourite Adverts song; "Play One Chord Wonders yer bastards", "Come on, lets have Bomsite Boy" etc etc, and in the middle of this gobbing maelstrom is my mate jumping up and down yelling "Take Me, I'm Yours"...

I still have trouble with bladder control when I think about it.
(Sun 28th Jul 2013, 10:53, More)

» Stories of unsurpassed brilliance

With the wife and her (drunk) friends playing 'Articulate'
For those not familiar with the popular family board game, you have 30 seconds to describe a word on the card to a team-mate.

Normally you would get through 3 or 4 cards per turn. After about 28 seconds, the drunk friend has managed to confirm that the category on the only card they have tried is 'animal' and the 2 syllables of the answer are 'sea' and 'horse'.

As the last dregs of the sand fall from the top of the timer, she leaps up and at the top of her voice shouts "HORSEY!"

Unfortunately it was incorrect.
(Thu 24th Nov 2016, 14:27, More)
[read all their answers]