Profile for wilfy:
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» Jobsworths
oh what a suprise! another jobsworth bouncer!
a few months ago my usual haunt for getting bed wettingly drunk on a sat night closed for a refurb. it opened again a few weeks ago to my relief, so i made a conscious decision to get unconsciously drunk. whilst exploring the refurbed pub in my pished state i came across a new staircase and decided to go down. i took 2 steps and realised i was heading back down into the foody bit of the pub away from all the fanny. a quick turn on my heels sorted this problem out... or so i thought. i was faced with an 'all brawn no brain' stereotypical bouncer/monkey. he informed me that i would have to wait a minute before coming up as they were at 'capacity'!!!!!! i had literally taken 2 steps down the stairs... nobody had gone in... nobody had gone out... and you could blatantly see lots of standing space. he made me wait about 5 minutes... cock.
(Thu 12th May 2005, 15:41, More)
oh what a suprise! another jobsworth bouncer!
a few months ago my usual haunt for getting bed wettingly drunk on a sat night closed for a refurb. it opened again a few weeks ago to my relief, so i made a conscious decision to get unconsciously drunk. whilst exploring the refurbed pub in my pished state i came across a new staircase and decided to go down. i took 2 steps and realised i was heading back down into the foody bit of the pub away from all the fanny. a quick turn on my heels sorted this problem out... or so i thought. i was faced with an 'all brawn no brain' stereotypical bouncer/monkey. he informed me that i would have to wait a minute before coming up as they were at 'capacity'!!!!!! i had literally taken 2 steps down the stairs... nobody had gone in... nobody had gone out... and you could blatantly see lots of standing space. he made me wait about 5 minutes... cock.
(Thu 12th May 2005, 15:41, More)
» The Onosecond
the dangers of mailing lists
a friend who works in a rather big college with me was trying to forward that lovely powerpoint pres with all those lovely old women in the buff (entitled something like '50 years of playboy') to a friend of his. he managed to send it to a mailing list with 6 middle aged women on including the head of the LRC. luckily i was on the same list so i managed to run around the college deleting said magic p45 producing email... whoopsy! i never let him forget it either!
(Thu 26th May 2005, 11:16, More)
the dangers of mailing lists
a friend who works in a rather big college with me was trying to forward that lovely powerpoint pres with all those lovely old women in the buff (entitled something like '50 years of playboy') to a friend of his. he managed to send it to a mailing list with 6 middle aged women on including the head of the LRC. luckily i was on the same list so i managed to run around the college deleting said magic p45 producing email... whoopsy! i never let him forget it either!
(Thu 26th May 2005, 11:16, More)
» Ripped Off
3d glasses
I once sold a pair of 3d glasses (green and red lenses kind :) old skool!) to a friend in primary school for 10p enabling him to almost touch the things in front of him! they were state of the art at the time. how technology has come on!
(Thu 15th Feb 2007, 16:41, More)
3d glasses
I once sold a pair of 3d glasses (green and red lenses kind :) old skool!) to a friend in primary school for 10p enabling him to almost touch the things in front of him! they were state of the art at the time. how technology has come on!
(Thu 15th Feb 2007, 16:41, More)