b3ta.com user Newshack
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» Devastating Put-Downs

I overheard this gem at an organic wankfest farmer's market in grim north london
A man had parked his white van halfway across the entrance to a farmer's market while his mate unloaded furniture into a nearby office.

The van and its occupants were getting a fair amount of passive aggressive looks and mutterings from the well-healed customers queuing up to buy Himalayan yak cheese (to go with the Peruvian badger honey of course).

Finally one of the stall owners, a tiny woman straight from 'Keeping up Appearances' waddled up to van, scowled up at its pie-stuffing, Sun-reading, tattooed-knuckle driver and in her most patronising voice said:

'Look here..............I'm not happy.'

To which he shot back, 'Oh yeah? well which one are you?'
(Sun 27th Nov 2011, 11:57, More)