b3ta.com user Flabberghasted
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» One Night Stands

Not a disaster per sé
But certainly memorable.

Was a young, virulent 22 year old at the time. Had just graduated from Sussex uni having a remarkably uneventful sex life of 3 shags in 3 years. Not what I had expected Uni to be (where were the queues of nymphos!?).

Anyway, I graduate and move back up to London. But it's a mates birthday back in Brighton September so of I trot to retread old drinking grounds with mates. But alas, there's a new girl there, she's alright she is. So you know, I start making my moves and he doesn't run away (probably due to the broken toe she has). Some drinks are shared and then someone drops a glass on her broken toe. Whoops. Not me (honest). So I take her to the first aid tent like the gentleman I am and offer to get walk/carry her home. The medical officer's first response is "Do you know this boy, love?". Thanks for that. But she agrees and I do the gentlemanly thing I walk her to the door. Kiss goodnight, leads to other things which was lovely. Admittedly it's hard to pick a position with someone in a foot cast. But you make do. Morning comes and we part ways with the standard awkward affair.

The next weekend comes by and I'm back down in Brighton to see some of the same mates. We cheer my heroics from the weekend before, what a legend I am, eh? Until my mate bursts out laughing and points out she had just got engaged that very morning. Whoops.
(Fri 14th Mar 2014, 10:13, More)

» My First Experience of the Internet

Ultima Online
Basically. Running around Brittania with strangers (oo err) killing skeletons and ogres and getting killed a lot more. Fun times.
(Thu 22nd Mar 2012, 15:00, More)