b3ta.com user sallyohno
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» My First Experience of the Internet

The dark ages of Photoshop
Having spent my teens using word processors to churn out god awful horror stories and avoiding the predatory advances of grammar-failures in AOL chatrooms, when I hit university in 2000 I was a girl with fairly good computer skills.

Enthused by technology, I discovered Dreamweaver and started building a personal website, complete with every gif I could possibly find. It needed pictures. Sadly, picture editing software had never cropped up in my computer past. So, instead of cutting down the pictures on screen, I cut down every single one of my pictures with scissors before running them through the scanner.

I have since gone on to a happy and fruitful career in online journalism, but suffice to say, the beginning of it required a fairly lengthy introduction to Photoshop.
(Fri 23rd Mar 2012, 15:34, More)