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» Encounters with politicians
Robert Kilroy Silk was doing the rounds in my quaint market hometown of Melton Mowbray, trying to drum up support for either UKIP or that other thing he did for a bit. Being a naive 13 year old, and recognising his face from days off school watching TV, I turned to my friend and simply asked 'Is that Kilroy?'
One of his leaflet buddies, overhearing, turned to us and said 'Yes it is. Now don't make fun.'
(Fri 1st May 2015, 10:40, More)
Robert Kilroy Silk was doing the rounds in my quaint market hometown of Melton Mowbray, trying to drum up support for either UKIP or that other thing he did for a bit. Being a naive 13 year old, and recognising his face from days off school watching TV, I turned to my friend and simply asked 'Is that Kilroy?'
One of his leaflet buddies, overhearing, turned to us and said 'Yes it is. Now don't make fun.'
(Fri 1st May 2015, 10:40, More)