b3ta.com user kevcraven
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Brian Butterfield Saturday is Treat Day dinner plate

I don't post here much but I thought the b3ta community would appreciate this, and might like to know I had a batch made for sale, so if you'd like one, CALL NOW! kevcraven.bigcartel.com/product/butterfield-dinner-plate

EDIT: Thank you all so much, I'm overwhelmed by orders and sadly sold out of the batch altogether (for now). You have both made and ruined my weekend! I am supposed to be getting an additional 10, but this probably won't be for another week or so with it being so close to Christmas. If you're interested, just comment below so I have a rough idea of how many to get made. Wasn't expecting to have 30 orders in under 24 hours!
(Thu 10th Dec 2015, 21:19, More)

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