b3ta.com user 96Sparki
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» Embarrassing Injuries

oo oo oo another one.
Our staircase has a very low point where you have to duck so as not to hit a wall where a room juts out over it.

As you probably guessed I once didn't duck just as I had gained a false sense of security and now always ran as fast as I could down them, missing out steps, you know.
Any way I hit my head on the wall but my feet, legs and lower torso carried on down the stairs. The very base of my coccyx was the first thing to hit anything finally coming to rest on the very edge if a step.

It hurt... ...a lot and I thought I’d broken it but the pain went off after a bout 2 hrs so is didn't seek medical attention. The morning after I felt a large lump where I had fallen so I decided to be safe and go to the doctors the last thing I wanted was a deformed pelvis.
they said it was a haematoma or blood blister which slowly builds with pressure causing slowly more and more pain over about 2 weeks, oh and goes rank. The doctor then asked if she could show a colleague, it ended up that 15 were staring at my naked lump/rump.
I had to keep going to the local NHS walk-in centre (so called because you walk in and don't come out again with out sitting down for least FIVE HOURS!! something I personally found hard to do I may add) to have it re-dressed. Only to be constantly complained at by 45 year old female nurses because the adherence of the bandaging materials was compromised by the hairiness of the problem area.

I was in college during this time, which I went to on the most unsuspended bus in west Yorkshire. By the end of the first week I was in constant pain and spewing things I can only describe as strings.

Then one night it suddenly went really painful, I’m talking more painful than when I did it here. I was sick with pain; I know what its like to give birth I should think. Then it exploded in a pussy fountain of pain-ending ecstasy and healed into an annoying scar I have never seen because it’s physically impossible (and hairy).

I have so much more hate of speed bumps than any of you could ever muster.

(Sun 5th Sep 2004, 1:33, More)

» Embarrassing Injuries

I was playing...
... 'catch the peg bag as it flys off the new rotary washing line' when i was about 11 and broke my arm falling off a bucket.
(That 'off' is not a typo btw i upturned the bucket to put the peg bag back on.)

i must of been very board and unlucky as i fell about 50cm onto grass and broke both forearm bones at the strongest point right down the middle. i come to the conclution grass is hard(and i'm a midget)!

(Sun 5th Sep 2004, 0:49, More)