Profile for mictoboy:

many thanks to the Great Architect for the picture
I won a retro edition of lunch of the day
Recent front page messages:

edit: i am considering turning this into a tshirt, should i bother?
edit2: 1024x768 desktop
(Fri 15th Feb 2008, 20:46, More)
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- a member for 21 years, 11 months and 24 days
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- (of which 45 have appeared on the front page)
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- (including 82 links)
- has posted 416 stories and 1117 replies on question of the week
- They liked 1467 pictures, 403 links, 147 talk posts, and 256 qotw answers.
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many thanks to the Great Architect for the picture
I won a retro edition of lunch of the day
Recent front page messages:

edit: i am considering turning this into a tshirt, should i bother?
edit2: 1024x768 desktop
(Fri 15th Feb 2008, 20:46, More)
they got bored of rubbing their legs together

click for bigger
thanks for the FP! :)
(Sun 14th Nov 2004, 18:05, More)

click for bigger
thanks for the FP! :)
(Sun 14th Nov 2004, 18:05, More)
In the 21st Century,
Music will be made using machines

thanks for the FP! :)
(Fri 9th Jul 2004, 11:48, More)
Music will be made using machines

thanks for the FP! :)
(Fri 9th Jul 2004, 11:48, More)
for Kamikazee Killmouse
not sure if this was the sort of thing you were after...

(Sat 12th Apr 2003, 17:06, More)
not sure if this was the sort of thing you were after...

(Sat 12th Apr 2003, 17:06, More)
on reflection
michaelangelo thought the pirate theme was a bad idea

I can't BELIEVE this made the front page. I'm gonna have to stop trying so hard!
(Wed 26th Mar 2003, 19:34, More)
michaelangelo thought the pirate theme was a bad idea

I can't BELIEVE this made the front page. I'm gonna have to stop trying so hard!
(Wed 26th Mar 2003, 19:34, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Bad Smells
you know that thing where you can stand the smell of your own guffs, but not other peoples'?
So you can drop the most rancid guinness fart in the world and sit there quite happily while everyone else is retching?
Once at work, I popped into the loo to strain my greens and was greeted by the smell of a previous occupant's sit down visit. What utterly freaked me out was that although the farty smell was clearly not my own, I could quite happily stand to smell it. It smelled like I'd done it.
I'd unwittingly stumbled on my very own guffleganger. I am to this day a little disturbed by the incident.
(Fri 17th Jan 2014, 16:21, More)
you know that thing where you can stand the smell of your own guffs, but not other peoples'?
So you can drop the most rancid guinness fart in the world and sit there quite happily while everyone else is retching?
Once at work, I popped into the loo to strain my greens and was greeted by the smell of a previous occupant's sit down visit. What utterly freaked me out was that although the farty smell was clearly not my own, I could quite happily stand to smell it. It smelled like I'd done it.
I'd unwittingly stumbled on my very own guffleganger. I am to this day a little disturbed by the incident.
(Fri 17th Jan 2014, 16:21, More)
» Random Acts of Kindness
the karma hat
this is a fairly shit non-story, but meh.
A few years ago i was a wet-behind the ears apprentice-type dickhead, doing a job that involved being out and about all over the place at various times of day. One autumn i was working a split-day (12pm - 12am) and as it had been a sunny afternoon i'd neglected to bring any warm gear. That night winter fell with a bump and I was working outside in the very cold darkness in only a thin fleece. One of the more experienced lads lent me a spare jacket and woolly hat, so life became slightly more bearable.
at the end of the night, i gave him back his jacket and made some admiring comment about the hat, and being the lovely bloke he was he let me keep it. I'd learned my lesson, so as soon as i could, i put together a bag of spare clothes, coat, gloves and hats to take with me on jobs - just in case of inclement weather.
a few months later, i was out working and one of the guys i was with had come out without a hat, and was rather chilly. So i gave him the hat, and explained how i'd come about it. I also let him keep the hat at the end of the night.
a couple of years later I met that bloke again, and he remembered me, and told me how he had passed the hat on himself in similar circumstances, to a bloke who he'd later discovered had done the same too.
I like the idea of a karma hat.
(Thu 9th Feb 2012, 20:42, More)
the karma hat
this is a fairly shit non-story, but meh.
A few years ago i was a wet-behind the ears apprentice-type dickhead, doing a job that involved being out and about all over the place at various times of day. One autumn i was working a split-day (12pm - 12am) and as it had been a sunny afternoon i'd neglected to bring any warm gear. That night winter fell with a bump and I was working outside in the very cold darkness in only a thin fleece. One of the more experienced lads lent me a spare jacket and woolly hat, so life became slightly more bearable.
at the end of the night, i gave him back his jacket and made some admiring comment about the hat, and being the lovely bloke he was he let me keep it. I'd learned my lesson, so as soon as i could, i put together a bag of spare clothes, coat, gloves and hats to take with me on jobs - just in case of inclement weather.
a few months later, i was out working and one of the guys i was with had come out without a hat, and was rather chilly. So i gave him the hat, and explained how i'd come about it. I also let him keep the hat at the end of the night.
a couple of years later I met that bloke again, and he remembered me, and told me how he had passed the hat on himself in similar circumstances, to a bloke who he'd later discovered had done the same too.
I like the idea of a karma hat.
(Thu 9th Feb 2012, 20:42, More)
» Nights Out Gone Wrong
'whatever possessed you to get a wicker toilet?!'
(Sat 26th Mar 2011, 11:35, More)
'whatever possessed you to get a wicker toilet?!'
(Sat 26th Mar 2011, 11:35, More)
» Anonymous
i shall probably regret telling you this
when I was doing my A levels, the internet didn't exist, so I had to go to the library to research stuff and, you know, read actual books.
On one occasion, the book I needed had to be ordered in, and when it arrived I found inside, presumably having been used as a bookmark, the previous borrower's request card.
That had her name and home address written on it.
So every so often, when I was bored, I would write her a letter.
I have no idea if she ever received them, or if she did, what her reaction was.
(They weren't weird or sexual or threatening or anything - usually just a retelling of something interesting I had found out about, so hopefully she wouldn't have been upset by them)
After a while I realised just how pointless and stupid it was, so I stopped.
(Fri 15th Jan 2010, 21:56, More)
i shall probably regret telling you this
when I was doing my A levels, the internet didn't exist, so I had to go to the library to research stuff and, you know, read actual books.
On one occasion, the book I needed had to be ordered in, and when it arrived I found inside, presumably having been used as a bookmark, the previous borrower's request card.
That had her name and home address written on it.
So every so often, when I was bored, I would write her a letter.
I have no idea if she ever received them, or if she did, what her reaction was.
(They weren't weird or sexual or threatening or anything - usually just a retelling of something interesting I had found out about, so hopefully she wouldn't have been upset by them)
After a while I realised just how pointless and stupid it was, so I stopped.
(Fri 15th Jan 2010, 21:56, More)
» Look! It's me in the Local Paper
South Wales Echo
me and my brother, aged 7 and 8 holding a stillborn siamese piglet corpse, smiling.
I had to hold the cold umbilical cord and hide it behind the piggy corpse.
*shivers in horror*
(Sat 12th Feb 2005, 13:54, More)
South Wales Echo
me and my brother, aged 7 and 8 holding a stillborn siamese piglet corpse, smiling.
I had to hold the cold umbilical cord and hide it behind the piggy corpse.
*shivers in horror*
(Sat 12th Feb 2005, 13:54, More)