but who could resiste those puppy dog eyes?
Thor_sonofodin has done things, terrible things on,
Fri 5 Nov 2004, 13:49,
I shan't bother entering the compo now
that is clearly the winner - and if it isn't *shakes fist*
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience,
Fri 5 Nov 2004, 13:50,
New compo, please
as I agree there ain't gonna be much better than that - nor much different from below.
Edit: perhaps I was wrong
WARNING: This name may contain the word CUNT,
Fri 5 Nov 2004, 13:53,
ah yes
spaghetti sauce
I get it
Manic can teach you the secret of fire,
Fri 5 Nov 2004, 13:55,
Is it me,
or is that strangley arousing. Bitch.
Mr. Beef studio gash stylist,
Sun 7 Nov 2004, 20:41,