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# It's a corporate outrage!
I've just discovered that Maynards, evil purveyors of limp-wristed soft wine gums for ponces, have bought out Lions, makers of fine, rock-hard jellies for men:

And what's the first thing they do having got their rapacious mitts on Lions? They change the black ones from lovely licquorice to bloody blackcurrant flavour. You can just see the focus group, can't you? 'Ooooh, as a screaming ponce I find the black ones a bit much; if only they tasted of a child's soft drink I'd be much happier la la la' and some imbicile in a suit nodding and making a mark on a clipboard. IT'S AN OUTRAGE! And the worst of it? Where was the media coverage of this takeover? If some company making plastic weevil-collars merges with another company making the holes for washers then bloody Declan Curry's banging on about it for weeks. Look at all the fuss over sodding Rover - a fourth-rate maker of crappy cars stuck in the 1940s and watching the news you'd think the Martians had landed or something. But when a British company that makes something truely great gets taken over, not a blimmin' peep! I ask you, what's this country coming to? Eh? EH?

It'll be American footballs and ice hockey pucks in the Sports Mixture next, mark my words.
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 12:50, archived)
# waaaah mummy!!....words and stuff
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 12:51, archived)
# hahaha
funniest first reply ever
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 12:56, archived)
# aren't they the vile ones which taste of noxious chemicals?
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 12:51, archived)
# Maynards are
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 12:52, archived)
# Yeah
but licquorice is 'orrible.
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 12:57, archived)
# oh noes!
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 12:52, archived)
# I can;t enjoy my food
unless you commment :(

(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 12:58, archived)
# Eat up my son!
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 13:01, archived)
# Licquorice is fucking horrid
when combined with jelly sweets.
Licquorice has place in allsorts or sherbet fountains, not jelly gum things.
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 12:53, archived)
# HA!
That was you on the focus group, and I claim my five pounds.
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 12:54, archived)
# "That was a higly articulate outburst Vivian...
I just hope they're not watching!"
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 12:53, archived)
# I agree
i always loved the black ones :(

Isn't Pruple the traditional colour for Blackcurrant? IT'S AN OUTRAGE!
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 12:55, archived)
# It's weird
the colours that sweet companies make us believe fruits are.

Also, the flavours are a bit off, too: ever tasted a banana that in any way resembles banana milkshake?
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 13:00, archived)
# Banana milkshake flavour is a very special flavour.
it's how bananas ought to taste.
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 13:07, archived)
# the Swedes have some licorice that will make your toes curl

(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 12:59, archived)
can't live without it!
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 13:05, archived)
# Heheheh
salty, yes?
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 13:09, archived)
# Salty as hell
It'll rip your tongue apart. And quite addictive.
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 13:12, archived)
# worse than snus (however you spell it)?
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 13:18, archived)
# Not really
I use both. Or used, until i got married...
my wife wouldn't kiss me when I had a mouth full of tobacco and soda
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 13:21, archived)
# hmmm
it's salty
i quite like it
(, Fri 26 Aug 2005, 13:09, archived)