I know the challenge ended last week, but I didn't get a chance to enter as I was too lazy to go down the shops. I don't care if it's late, I only did this because it was a fun idea (oh how I was wrong...)
Click here to visit the whole photo set on flickr
Well, here we go. My take on the Jaffa Challenge was slightly odd. I decided to DRINK 48 jaffa cakes.
(Click any of them for biggarz)
Pre blending, the 48 jaffa cakes still in the box.
Time before blending - 21:38
(during the blending process, I realised I had no milk to make it into any kind of drinkable substance, so I settled for a 500ml bottle of water)
Time before drinking - 21:42
And now, some of a series of horrible gulps.
The first pint finished at 21:51, second pint started a minute later.
Then some more sickening gulping...
Finishing time of 22:01.
23 minutes from filling the blender, 19 minutes from the first gulp.
As of yet, no vomit, but I'll update with photos if people want =]
apologies for the length/number of pictures
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:07,
Click here to visit the whole photo set on flickr
Well, here we go. My take on the Jaffa Challenge was slightly odd. I decided to DRINK 48 jaffa cakes.
(Click any of them for biggarz)
Pre blending, the 48 jaffa cakes still in the box.
Time before blending - 21:38
(during the blending process, I realised I had no milk to make it into any kind of drinkable substance, so I settled for a 500ml bottle of water)
Time before drinking - 21:42
And now, some of a series of horrible gulps.
The first pint finished at 21:51, second pint started a minute later.
Then some more sickening gulping...
Finishing time of 22:01.
23 minutes from filling the blender, 19 minutes from the first gulp.
As of yet, no vomit, but I'll update with photos if people want =]
apologies for the length/number of pictures
Alert the presses we have a winnar!
Go straight to heaven pass go and collect your £200
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:09,
Alert the presses we have a winnar!
Go straight to heaven pass go and collect your £200
I didn't think I would do it actually.. I felt like dying (still do) about half way through the first pint..
I'm lying here shaking a little... yay =[
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:15,
I'm lying here shaking a little... yay =[
Another of the entrants got the shakes too.
The only people who say "pah that's easy" are the ones that haven't tried it.
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:18,
The only people who say "pah that's easy" are the ones that haven't tried it.
I thought "meh, this will be quite easy if I'm drinking it"
That was before I put them in the blender.
When I realised I could only JUST fit 48 cakes in there before they were blended, I realised just how bad an idea this was =P
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:22,
When I realised I could only JUST fit 48 cakes in there before they were blended, I realised just how bad an idea this was =P
gaviscon is your friend.
also, don't stray too far from the toilet/bucket, you may well need it later.
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:24,
me too
although mine is full of fag ends and snotty hankies.
EDIT: g'night, i'm off to my bed
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:44,
EDIT: g'night, i'm off to my bed
brave man
I don't know why I did it now =[
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:25,
I don't know why I did it now =[
for the fame, the notoriety
and the chance of pulling a nurse when you end up in casualty later! :D
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:33,
In the future, all people will drink their food.
And who are we to argue? IT'S THE GODDAMN FUTURE!
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:13,
I love this picture SO much
You wouldn't believe it =]
Although, the sight of that cake is making me really quite ill...
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:15,
Although, the sight of that cake is making me really quite ill...
Well, the sight of 2 pints of Cakey Mush is making me feel ill
so we'll call it even
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:18,
Well, you have the admiration of virtual strangers on teh internets
and money can't buy that!
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:24,
The addition of water instead of milk was a good idea (less calories).
Also drinking them didn't give your stomach enough time to say "hang on what's this?" but I fear you may vomit a bit later.
You consumed all those Jaffa Cakes in NINE minutes!
Despite your being a week late I feel that this cannot go unrewarded.
For your services to Jaffalogical science I award you the CD of your choice from Amazon and my hearty congratulations.
I also suggest you make sure you have a bucket handy.
Just one question do you think it was easy?
gaz me your accoutrements. Link to CD and your name and address
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:17,
Also drinking them didn't give your stomach enough time to say "hang on what's this?" but I fear you may vomit a bit later.
You consumed all those Jaffa Cakes in NINE minutes!
Despite your being a week late I feel that this cannot go unrewarded.
For your services to Jaffalogical science I award you the CD of your choice from Amazon and my hearty congratulations.
I also suggest you make sure you have a bucket handy.
Just one question do you think it was easy?
gaz me your accoutrements. Link to CD and your name and address
This was in no way easy.
I don't think I can look at another jaffa cake for a while, let alone eat one...
The lack of milk was probably a good thing, but it made it a sickening paste rather than a kind of flavourful shake.
Also, I don't really need the CD, I'll be fine, I just did it for the hell of it, I shall survive, but thankyou =]
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:20,
The lack of milk was probably a good thing, but it made it a sickening paste rather than a kind of flavourful shake.
Also, I don't really need the CD, I'll be fine, I just did it for the hell of it, I shall survive, but thankyou =]
Oh yes!
I got as far as buying the jaffas, but I decided to enjoy them in my own time
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:17,
I was going to do exactly this,
but I was going to shred them, rather than blend them.
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Sun 2 Dec 2007, 23:26,