We had a spaniel that used to do just this in the local oil seed rape fields. Vertical jump to just over 5 feet in height to see which way it was to the edge when he got lost.
that actually made me jump slightly, he always comes a bit closer to the front than I'm expecting
woo and indeed yay
(h3donisttryin' to play me out as if my name is Sega..,
Wed 1 Oct 2008, 21:53,
Oh my god...
...this reminds me of a nightmare I would have as a child...
I'd be walking somewhere, near a lake or a river, and I'd look at the water and I'd see a tall thin rabbit with a very similar facial expression to that dog, rise up out of the water and then sink back again.
It would be aiming a handgun at me, and would be accompanied by a musical stab (think of the thunderbirds intro, the loud stab after '4!' or '2!')
...as such, that picture gives me the fucking ph3ar
(Extinct Jesus Dossier"...I think it counteracts Hitler's magic...",
Thu 2 Oct 2008, 14:28,
HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!! OMFG I've just sat and laughed my head off for like 20minutes at that! Could be used as some sort of torturing device...the new tickling?
(WallyEllySueAnother fine mess...,
Fri 3 Oct 2008, 18:28,
Aww bless..
My best mate's dog called "Sweeny" did just this in the fields when I was a kid.