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» Aug 2006 «

A fun day out for all, even if you have children and horrible dogs. If you go in the bushes in the outskirts of the park you may even see real bumming!
Look on page for "how to get there"
It would be very wise to book as early as June or July if you can make it to this event. It's actually Pride week in Brighton that week so many hotels are booked in advance. I have been kind enough to look up accommodation so you can choose some.
EDIT************ You're going to have to suffer without me. I am not well enough to go anywhere but for those of you who do go, have a bloody ace time! ***********EDIT
If any orange folk are viewing this, feel free to join us!
Places to stay
This is an extremely large event. If you are a pauper you are advised to bring your own food and booze although this is available to buy all over the park and from various shops nearby. Girlie types: bring bogroll, porta-loos are notoriously minging and will run out of lady tissue within minutes.
Brighton Pride [map]
Gay Pride - Brighton
Going: Lu, hooker1uk, Bud Muhnquai, KittyVomit, crazyjude, Geoff the Clownfish, Munky Boy, scott,, profaniti, beast_with_two_backs, eurrrrrggggggghhhhhh, vulga, William Hill is fuckin' skill, The Doctor, Gerbilinafishtank, amaryllis, Mikhail Gorbachev (17 people).

handing out bummings on the gates.
Mrs Muhnquai may well be joining me.
I can probably give up a sofa and some floor space for a few lucky punters. There will be NO gaying on my sofa. It's too nice.
( , Tue 31 Jan 2006, 12:51, Reply)

think of teh profit you could make
info for anyone coming to brighton for teh gayness
thameslink do a thing called DAYSAVE - £10 a ticket gives you unlimited travel on their line so you can go from bedford to brighton all day for a tenner - and kids gfo for a quid -
more info msn or emal me (address in profile) - paul
( , Wed 1 Feb 2006, 21:18, Reply)

I couldn't possibly outdo myself...Infact it would be my mission to be as discrete as possible in comparision..well. You know.
Like Hoohah, had to drop out of 'dam due to lack of monies but can do this.
( , Fri 9 Jun 2006, 0:49, Reply)

not quite sure how yet, but hey.. I'll find a way!
( , Tue 31 Jan 2006, 14:43, Reply)

Apparently Vanburger will have his van there :)
( , Wed 8 Feb 2006, 1:35, Reply)

and the doofster to brighton for it :)
( , Tue 14 Feb 2006, 20:17, Reply)

would be silly not to come to beta pride too! i can't guarentee when i'll be going down - it will be before thou, but if anyody wants lifts down from sheffield way, the earlier they let me know the better.
( , Sun 19 Feb 2006, 14:34, Reply)

It's the same day as the Big Chill, so I can't make it.
Edit - WHEEEE!
I'm not going to the Big Chill after all, so I can come and do the gayness.
( , Sun 19 Feb 2006, 18:06, Reply)

That is so crap. It was the same last year. I live in Brighton and Pride is one of the best days in the year. But I'm NOT missing the The Big Chill. Why Lord?! Why do you mock me so? :-(
( , Wed 12 Apr 2006, 21:10, Reply)

you seem to have an obsession with all things gay
( , Tue 4 Apr 2006, 22:14, Reply)

( , Sun 2 Apr 2006, 0:34, Reply)

i shall be selling andrex at £5 a square to anyone that forgets to bring their own!
( , Mon 15 May 2006, 13:31, Reply)

I live in another country, so it sort of falls apart there.
( , Thu 8 Jun 2006, 13:53, Reply)

i've been the last two years. i offer up my bum through the railings, it's quite an experience!
no honestly, only joking, it's a great day out so i might have to potter down, i'm only 1 min walk from preston circus/fire station and that's a good watching place before heading up to the park.
( , Fri 16 Jun 2006, 22:27, Reply)

Brighton & Hove (Actually) Gay Men's Chorus. I'll be a bit busy I reckon but make sure you wave at us!!
Pride is the Gayers Christmas, but betterer
( , Wed 5 Jul 2006, 20:25, Reply)

it's just lots of people having a nice day in a park really. Thousands in fact. Some of them are gay and some of them are not and some dress up in mental outfits.
Some nice photos from a previous Pride. ^
( , Wed 12 Jul 2006, 6:14, Reply)

I was just reviewing my hotel reservation and I appear to have royally fucked it up and booked the wrong date. I can't find anywhere else of a reasonable price.
( , Wed 12 Jul 2006, 2:23, Reply)

you'd be welcome to crash at my place, I have room for stragglers.
( , Wed 12 Jul 2006, 6:15, Reply)

have no money, and I've instead decided to earn some cash working that weekend instead.
Sorry doods.
( , Thu 13 Jul 2006, 13:52, Reply)

I probably won't make it along tomorrow and almost certainly won't be up for having people here to stay. Sorry guys and gals. And Gays, which is a mixture of the two, you see?
( , Fri 4 Aug 2006, 10:46, Reply)

it's all rubbish. I'm not infectious though so maybe shall manage an hour or two of the fun.
( , Fri 4 Aug 2006, 18:37, Reply)

I hope you all have a lovely time and you don't get rained on and it isn't too hot.
( , Fri 4 Aug 2006, 23:37, Reply)

It's August, byebye heatwave and hello pouring rain.
The streets will be awash with glitter now...
( , Sun 6 Aug 2006, 21:26, Reply)
» Aug 2006 «