b3ta.com challenge: photoshop for world peace
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This is a challengePhotoshop for World Peace (This challenge is now closed)

photoshop for world peace

Greenpeace have asked us to photoshop for world peace. We'd like you to come up with something original and striking rather than worthy and cheap. Forget the half-assed pics of world leaders, make us something good and post it on the board.

(Fri 31 Jan 2003, 11:17)
Pages: 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# I can't tell you how bored I am..
..and so I can only apologise for this.

Clicky clicky!

(edited for NSFW)
(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 22:53, More)
# Not too late I hope !!
Can be taken anyway anyway you want ... not meant as a stab at Mr Bush!

(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 22:14, More)
# War averted - we don't need their oil now
(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 20:29, More)
# ahem.
(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 17:43, More)
# What's wrong with half-assed pics of world leaders?

(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 15:42, More)
# pardon my crapness
But it's freezing in Scotland, and i'm making this while trying to stop my hands from going gangreene

(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 15:41, More)
# what the world needs for peace...

...is more dolphins.
bloody tree-huggers!
(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 14:57, More)
# GreenWar
The perfect way to change greenpeace to greenWar

(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 14:40, More)
# Even Peter's doing his bit for world peace.

(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 13:31, More)
# Is it just me that thinks this ?

(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 11:36, More)
# I know the world doesnt need ...
another picture of Dubya ..
but it was in me head....

.. and i had to let it out.
better bigger
(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 11:09, More)
# I
have no explanation for this.

(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 11:00, More)
# world peace .... or sumat

(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 10:53, More)
# Their little helmets dont even fit them
Ooooo - I think I took a serious pill

(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 10:37, More)
# Luckily for Sadam

Bush's road to success in the Gulf was blocked by Swampy.
(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 9:40, More)
# Okay here's a music video challenge entry! Featuring 'Firestarter', 'Wonderful World', George Bush & Explosions.
<-- frames from the video.
This is only a very rough preview of what it might end up as, but I won't have time to finish it this week or maybe for a while (and I had to do this bit in Flash as I couldn't get the vids to load in anything else). Flash isn't designed for this sort of thing so it's tricky to get things neat and tidy.

It's 2 minutes though which is long enough for you to get the idea.
Download the video here www.jslator.myby.co.uk/wonderfulstarterpreview03.avi (5 MB) - DivX if you need it is here www.divx-digest.com/software/divxcodec5.html

The full mp3 of the song is here www.jslator.myby.co.uk/WonderfulStarterFull96.mp3

(the image of world peace is in the Wonderful World part - it's from a live performance and he introduces the song by explaining what would make the world a more wonderful place)
(, Wed 5 Feb 2003, 8:04, More)
# scouse kitty...

(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 21:09, More)
# no hummus

so i'll attempt fluffyness.
(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 20:32, More)
# It says 'World Peace' to me ...

... and that's all that matters.
(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 19:47, More)
# :-)

(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 19:45, More)
Pages: 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)