b3ta.com challenge: photoshop for world peace
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This is a challengePhotoshop for World Peace (This challenge is now closed)

photoshop for world peace

Greenpeace have asked us to photoshop for world peace. We'd like you to come up with something original and striking rather than worthy and cheap. Forget the half-assed pics of world leaders, make us something good and post it on the board.

(Fri 31 Jan 2003, 11:17)
Pages: 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# Quick and simple...

If only world peace was this easy.
(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 18:08, More)
# To paraphrase Fight Club

to follow similar posts. Great, now I'm all serious and depressed :(
(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 17:19, More)
# it was all a big misunderstanding.

click for bigness
(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 16:54, More)
# fish O_O
first post. uh...heya. have a fish. :D

(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 16:48, More)
# Green Piece.....?

(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 16:42, More)
# .

(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 16:41, More)
# Sorry

(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 16:06, More)
# I am very sorry it was better in my head

This was a bit rushed

(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 15:54, More)
# I'm very very new but old
I can't believe this hasn't been done. Apologies if it has - I did look!

first post sorry if I got it wrong.
I must stop apologising.


(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 15:51, More)
# music not war

(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 15:38, More)
# im going to post this
mumble about 'all pushing together'
and then run away as fast as my little fast legs can tak.... *gone*
(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:19, More)
# .

Sorry, it's not really in the spirit of B3ta, just thought it appropriate for the compo.
If you want light-hearted stuff, look at my earlier post here. :)
(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:06, More)
# Got your attention?

(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 11:12, More)
# lets have some

(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 10:46, More)
# .
victory to the intifada!
(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 9:28, More)
# bernard the peace spider will be at the protest

morning all!
(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 9:04, More)
# It stares, it looks around and it blinks, peace, any day, methinks.

Don't let it shit on your doorstep. Bowel owls are disgusting.
(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 2:43, More)
# Inspired by Pink Floyd, and Judith Chalmers

No pink floyd or judith chalmers fans here then. Ah well.
Night all!
(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 1:30, More)
# g'night!

(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 0:56, More)
# may only make sense in Scotland

World Piece
(, Tue 4 Feb 2003, 0:36, More)
Pages: 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)