Backpack - Check Projectiles - Check Gas Mask - Check Entitled white middle class over confidence - Check Totally inappropriate brightly coloured shorts - Check Groin Guard -
(transparenttownDead to worse..., Wed 23 Aug 2017, 12:30,
That would indeed bring tears to his eyes.
(Varmint, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 13:26,
That was so good
I'm going to watch it again.
(evil_andyStick stick stick stick sticky sticky stick stick, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 13:28,
He kicked like a girl so I assumed he didn't have any bollocks
(The_cold_stareComing here only when very, very bored, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 13:33,
That is an odd statement.
(Varmint, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 13:35,
(The_cold_stareComing here only when very, very bored, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 13:48,
A bit macho and aggro for the persona you have thus far been cultivating.
(PrufrockLucifer, son of the morning!, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 13:51,
As an example, I know a few female footballers
and having been kicked by an ex-girlfriend I can vouch for girls being good kickers.
(Varmint, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 14:06,
Indeed. The pass completion statistics in women's football are truly remarkable.
(PrufrockLucifer, son of the morning!, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 14:11,
As a kickboxer I further vouch for the kicking ability of teh ladies.
One I spar with has two world titles, kicks like a mule and she isn't even a lezzer!
(DraconacticusReject shampoo. Demand real poo!, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 14:22,
I'm sure you could fix that
(TownsendsPublisheris all gravy baby, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 14:34,
My face does have amazing curative properties for the hetero disease.
(DraconacticusReject shampoo. Demand real poo!, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 14:46,
Are you also a world class kickboxer?
(CerebusSticky! Sticky! Stick! Stick!, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 14:39,
Not really.
I used to compete in Tae Kwon-do, but at 38 no where near as flexible as I used to be and I don't particularly enjoy competitions much. I'm not bad though, 2nd degree black belt... also do a bit of Lau Gar kung fu, mostly for the weapons and teach the occasional kids class.
(DraconacticusReject shampoo. Demand real poo!, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 14:45,
*Saves gif for future CDC tomfoolery*
(CerebusSticky! Sticky! Stick! Stick!, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 14:53,
I will inspect each frame to make sure you aren't skimping on the pubes
(DraconacticusReject shampoo. Demand real poo!, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 15:00,
red top in that gif, is that a token zombie you all beat on at the gym?
(theswollenbeefwhere there's a will there's a wank, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 15:37,
We do have a few people that occasionally get singled out for "special treatment" in the kickboxing class by the senior grades
But that gif is from a kung fu class which is a lot more sedate and doesn't attract the nob heads (apart from me).
(DraconacticusReject shampoo. Demand real poo!, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 15:52,
there is only one true martial art
It's called jiu-jistu. And if you absolutely want to make sure no one is going to get up and chase you, it's the one to learn.
(The Ann Coulter Fan ClubBabylon is burning at, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 21:07,
That used to be the case.
But given the popularity of MMA even the traditional schools are bringing techniques from other disciplines into their syllabus.
Generally, you're better off choosing your martial art by who is the most reputable teacher in the area. There are no shitty martial arts, only shitty martial artists (except for ninjitsu and other fucking fantasy arts).
My second degree was based purely on grappling, my third degree is all weapons stuff. Our school is kickboxing, with a load of kung fu for the self defence, weaponry from escrima and the grappling from god knows where. It's certainly more effective than the 8 years I spent learning Judo. I chose our club cos the instructor is a 7th degree in KB, writes for Martial Arts Illustrated, competed for many years at a world level and coaches the England team. Rather learn KB from him than Jiu Jitsu from a nobody :)
(DraconacticusReject shampoo. Demand real poo!, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 22:42,
I did Aikido for a while in Liverpool, with a bit of "practical street fighting for beginners" thrown in for good measure.
Interesting stuff. I once went out for night of drinking on Lark Lane with a tall, leggy blond (female) in a very short mini skirt and very high heels. Some piss-drunk scally made the mistake of grabbing her arse. Turned out she was a black belt in karate, and she spun round and kicked him smack in the middle of his chest with her high heel. He flew backwards like in the movies. His mates were keen to settle the score, but with me. Fortunately, and to my huge gratitude and relief, she threatened to take them all on, and I think she could have done it. They backed down and we left.
(Varmint, Thu 24 Aug 2017, 0:02,
Hardly surprising they wanted a piece of you if you were wearing a very short mini skirt and very high heels.
Luckily I've never had to use any of it, and I'd like to keep it that way :)
(DraconacticusReject shampoo. Demand real poo!, Thu 24 Aug 2017, 0:49,
Ba bum. Tish!
(Varmint, Thu 24 Aug 2017, 13:45,
Fair enough, I was going for humour not sexism
It was a bit of a rubbish kick though. If it had been a grenade he would have been a goner.
(The_cold_stareComing here only when very, very bored, Wed 23 Aug 2017, 14:47,